I was hoping for better than 22mpg, even with an auto box :(

I did buy it knowing it had been just under 12k since it's last service.

Man, I hope it makes a difference :(

I was hoping for 27mpg at worst :rolleyes:

Well mine has always done about 23 - I didn't mind, it's what most of my cars have done, except the Cherokee, which was in single figures. But I'm now getting about 35 on a LONG run at 60. Still gives me about 23 around town though, and would be the same at 80 on long run. Remember they take about ten miles to really warm up, despite all the clever cooling trickery, so you're probably stuffed around town. I'm going to investigate the EGR route though, and it also seems better on 50% bio. Don't give up hope just yet.
Thanks for the support :)

I must confess that I'd sold the thing to my wife on the basis that it wouldn't be great.
I didn't think it would be so bad :D

Hopefully there is the possibility of one positive...

....whilst she's been serviced exactly 12k ago [at 48k], that was in June 2006, some 18 months ago!

I'm guessing that not having been serviced at the twelve month interval will make a difference when I get her serviced in the next fortnight.

I intend to the EGR blanked off at the same time.

Thanks again,
Hi Will,

Congratulations on your new purchase.

I'm afraid 22-24 is probably what you will get with a TD5 Auto, best thing I did was go to Gary at TD5 Alive for his Stage 1 Remap, totally transformed the Disco and I also get 1-2 MPG more. Highly recommended and no I'm not on commision.!!! :(

I'm sure you're right, but having driven half the distance on the motorway and all miles like a nun, I would hope that 22mpg was as a result of desperately needing a service.


I'm going to take a look at the air filter at lunch-time, see how badly her need is :rolleyes:

As with all my cars [past and present], as long as I'm getting the best I can I'll be happy, whatever the mpg might be.

My concern is if there's a problem that needs attending to.

Still, the service is booked in, things can only get better from here!

I'll take some photo's at the weekend and at them to the gallery :)

Thanks for the support :)

I must confess that I'd sold the thing to my wife on the basis that it wouldn't be great.
I didn't think it would be so bad :D

Hopefully there is the possibility of one positive...

....whilst she's been serviced exactly 12k ago [at 48k], that was in June 2006, some 18 months ago!

I'm guessing that having been serviced at the twelve month interval will make a difference when I get her serviced in the next fortnight.

I intend to the EGR blanked off at the same time.

Thanks again,
Servicing may well make a difference. Mine has run much better since I stopped using a dealer and took it to someone who takes a pride in his work.
Yeah, AC off [heated seats off too].

In neutral at the lights too.

Plus, radio no higher than volume number 3 ;)

Aren't I good!


Edit 14:47
Air filter looked fine.

It will also depend on what station is on the radio, I have found the BBC ones tend to be better, especially BBC 3 at helping MPG figures to climb, usually because I'm asleep in a lay-by after about 10 mins :D :D :D

I have a manual TD5, 04 MY, and I regulary get 30+ mpg, (I even manage approx 26-28 when towing a caravan) obviously it does make a difference when it is cold, but to be honest I can count on one hand the amount of less than 10 mile trips I do . . . so maybe my figures are slightly better than the 'avarage driver'
Also I appreciate a manual will be better than an auto, but a well serviced Disco should manage 26+ in auto and 28 - 30+ in manual

Servicing will to a degree make a difference, but not to the improvement that Partmaster is hoping for, that suggests it his may be over fueling, so get this checked out

Any LR garage will do this check for a small fee (unless you go to a main stealer !!)

DIY checks can be the airfilter (try fitting a K&N one !!) and check the whole air intake route for dirt/leaks etc from the filter all the way through the intercooler to the turbo etc.
In particular make sure the airflow meter is clean and functioning as this feeds info to the ECU for correct fuelling, if you still have the dreaded EGR, either blank it off, or clean it throughly and when you're happy with that lot, fill her to the brim, drive a steady (but not old codger speed) route of at least 50+ miles to ensure the engine is fully hot (check the temp guage says 'normal' (thermostat check), and then brim again and calculate as follows (sorry if you know all this, but others may not) :rolleyes:

Miles driven
Qty of fuel in litres = miles per litre X

Then divide this value by 0.22 to give the mpg

Town driving makes a big difference as you would expect, if you have an auto, and floor it and use 'kick down' a lot you should expect poor mpg, but if your that worried about it, I suggest you get a smart car, Toyota Hybrid or a skate board, or you could always fit a sail to the roof of your Landy and catch all this crap windy British weather - :D :D :D

Afterall - It is almost 3 tonnes of metal that is as aero dynamic as a breeze block :cool:
Miles driven​

divided by​

Qty of fuel in litres = miles per litre​

Then divide this value by 0.22 to give the mpg


Using your method I get 22.5mpg, rather than my original estimate of 22mpg!!!!!!

Things are looking up!!!

:D :D
well here goes, did'nt realise I started such a popualar thread. Anyway, after having my Intercooler cleaned, EGR cleaned and blanked off, and two Hiclones fitted, one before turbo, and one after ( dont give me grief, they were recommended ok!!! ).

Anyway, just put 59.68 ltrs in, covered 482 miles which by my estimation is approx 36.72 MPG, and with the fuel costing 108.9 a litre means I am averaging 13.48p a mile

Now the journey I do is early hours one way, heavy traffic on return and average cruise control at 55mph and A roads.

The common affect of the Hiclone's fitted is the final gearing is reduced from 55mph to approx 45mph and increases the ooomph uphill reducing auto drop down.

Chuffed, really chuffed
Nice one, glad to hear it.

You thinik it's soley the blanking plate that's helped the mpg?

What mpg were you getting before?
Does blamking the EGR have any affect on how quick the engine warms up from a cold start ??

I thought the hot exhaust gases being pushed back into the intake would help this, or am I completely off the track here !!!
Does blamking the EGR have any affect on how quick the engine warms up from a cold start ??

I thought the hot exhaust gases being pushed back into the intake would help this, or am I completely off the track here !!!

ya right there mate, it does help with engine warmup.
Warmer weather ?? (thought they said it we got 'global warming' problems)

"Global wetting and Freezing" more like !!!

22mpg isn't very good I must admit, do you do a lot of short, stop/start type of journeys ? I consistantly get 28-30 out of mine, and it's clocked almost 95k now, so is nice and 'loose' . . only thing I can think is that I rarely do any short trips (work is a round trip of 80miles)
First 114 milkes were one thord motorway, one third around twon and one third rush hour; 22mpg.

Filled up after the 114 miles; £25.

Done 186 miles since the last fiull up, tank showing just over half full.
Half around town, haf rush-hour.


I'll know better after a long trip and after the imminent service.

First 114 milkes were one thord motorway, one third around twon and one third rush hour; 22mpg.

Filled up after the 114 miles; £25.

Done 186 miles since the last fiull up, tank showing just over half full.
Half around town, haf rush-hour.


I'll know better after a long trip and after the imminent service.


Fookenell !

You bin gerrin typin lessons off yella?;) :p
Putting mpg into perspective, in particular my ['52 auto ES] 22mpg :D

I drove from Leeds to West Brom today in my [wonderful] Rover 75.

The first 90 mins down there [of a three hour journey]; twelve miles, nose to tail - horrendous rush-hour, produced 28mpg.

The trip back, from the moment I hit the M5 to the moment I left the M62; circa. 120 miles at an average of 75mph produced 47mpg.

I need to give the td5 a good run out and see how she improves from 22mpg.


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