Hi all

A bit of a cry for help here. I've just got my 2000 V-reg TD5 back from the local garage where it went for a coolant leak. they say it needs a new fuel cooler (the cylinder type) as that's the source of the leak.

I've been trawling the net Rimmer Bros, Paddocks etc etc for the last hour or so and prices seem to be from £500 -£700??? I've seen a few posts where folks have paid £235 - £250 any ideas please?

Thanks in advance
Gents, thanks for the advice replacing the seals would seem to be a huge saving! To be honest I'm better at driving them than fixing them but I'll print off your link Dave and ask my local garage if they'd have a go for me. If they can't if anyone has a link for a £250 ish replacement it'd be appreciated

Thanks again Rich
..... anyone has a link for a £250 ish replacement it'd be appreciated

Thanks again Rich

maybe the guys who bought it cheaper have "2002 onwards" disco 2's, for them is PIB000080, much cheaper than the PIB000060 for the "up to 2002 ones".

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