
New Member
Hi Chaps,
Long time no speak/hear. Any ideas why my 90 2.5 TD is using so much diesel and making a ticking noise under load? The ticking sounds like pinking, but that doesn't happen in a diesel does it? Suspect it might have something to do with the head gasket change I did 6 months ago, any thoughts or comments welcome.
the pinking noise is caused by 2 things no/1 week fuel mixture, but that doesnt fall in line with your engine as its diesel, that 1 ruled out. no/2 is caused by worn vavle guides did you check these when you did the gasket
Not hydraulic all valve guides checked and worn ones renewed. A couple of the tappet slides were badly damaged and replaced as well :rolly:
Thanks, that makes sense. ELP appeared temperamental when I was re-priming the system during the head gasket change. Why the ticking noise?
ticking noise could be a tappet incorrectly set you could try adjusting tappets again, how i check for wear and tear is remove rocker cover and start engine then place feeler gauge under the tappets and listen to noise change but be warned if you have got good oil presure it blows oil all over the place, the best way to avoid is leave engine untouched over night and do it when engine is stone cold
Thanks, that makes sense. ELP appeared temperamental when I was re-priming the system during the head gasket change. Why the ticking noise?
ELP appeared tempremental! No wonder... have ye listened tae there music?:eek: :p :D

Wrong time of night fur me to get technical... but ah think there's a diaphragm thingy inside it and it might me buggered, or the arm and it's bits that goes from yer pump tae the cam is worn. Take it off and and give it a wiggle;)
Pictures at an exhibition, now that was music! Better than the bloody guitar hero xbox stuff my lad and his mates are listening to next door..... only reason I'm still up! :hippie:
Pictures at an exhibition, now that was music! Better than the bloody guitar hero xbox stuff my lad and his mates are listening to next door..... only reason I'm still up! :hippie:
Aye, ah think ah've still got that (vynil) album somewhere's, too many albums tae be bothered tae go through to find it!
Me mrs like that guitar hereos crap on the ps2 anaw:rolleyes: Thank feck ah've a garage tae go to;) :D :D

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