
Active Member
Can anyone recomend a replacement fuel cap ? I was out at the pay and play at the weekend and noticed that mine leaked a lot when the vehicle was tilting. Also, unsre of how effective it would be at keeping the water out when wading ?

Someone mentioned one that folds down and fixes in place. Another person said I should just replace the gasket ?

Any advise ?
It is probably just a fooked seal on the cap. Easy & cheap enough just to buy a new cap, or a new seal if it is an older vehicle.
Mine did this on the road never mind fecking off roading, got a new one that was OK for about 10 mins and that leaks now!! Not a lot of help I know but at least yeh not alone :D
Those defendoors look pretty good at keeping mud out but im not sure about being very watertight for wading. I guess they would deflect any water for a while as your going through a run. Any further ideas ?
I've just found another fuel cap in a box in t' garage and guess what ? Mine dunt leak anymore! :):) well happy :):) Yeh I know dunt take a lot :D

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