
Well-Known Member
So, had to move the car this morning but couldn't as the handles were frozen. Eventually managed to get the passenger side open after waving a heatgun around for a few minutes (on low).

I did the same with the drivers side however; 1) the handle on the outside moves in and out freely, the door doesn't open. 2) the handle on the inside moves in and out freely, the door doesnt open. 3) the knob inside doesn't move freely up and down as much as it's supposed to.

So, is this something snapped/damaged inside? If so, how do I fix it when I can't open the door to remove the door card? If it's not something inside, could it just be that things are still frozen internally and the fan heater I have on inside the car will help to eventually thaw things out?

I'm a fat bastard so climbing in through the passenger door isn't conducive to my image.
the door can freeze to the seal. silicon spray on the seal can help prevent it sticking

Yep - I've got that on all of the doors so the seals themselves haven't frozen, they've been fine. It seems to be more the locking mechanism.
Slight update - the heater has been on for about 20 minutes and the knob on the door now lifts up and down but still no opening door... and don't wanna tug it too much! (no, @tomcat59alan - not that way)
Definitely just the outside handle that's causing problems. At least I can open it from the inside now.

Gonna need to strip it.
Not sure if this will help but a plastic bag filled with hot water( even boiling hot water if you can get a thick enough plastic bag ie. decent zip lock bag) might be more efficent heat transfer. Use gloves :)
Ultimately, the only main difference between Vaseline and petroleum jelly is that Vaseline is made up of pure petroleum jelly which contain minerals and microcrystalline wax so it is smoother, while petroleum jelly is made up of a partial solid mix of hydrocarbons that comes from mines
I use Gummi Pledge, or summat like that not sure of the spelling. Little squeezy bottle with a foam pad, good for window seals and rubbing strips as well.

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