
New Member
Does anyone else have a problem with the front window misting up on a Freelander Serengiti TD4?

Thanking you in advance for any info.
the heater has a thing that looks like a small radiator( radiator : thing that sit at the front of your car and has water in it. it also has a fan near by) if it has a leak in it the leaked water will mix with the air being blown through the heating system and land on yer window. cause the window is cold the water that is in the air/leaked water mix will condense on the glass. which is where the mist comes from.
i can do it in french and italian aswell if you like.
le eater ee as a ting ee looka likee le ittle , ow you say, padehater?
es gotta une fuite qui let du l'eau mixs avec ton air.

le air ees ah getting to le pare-brise et le eau eesa sticky to le pare-screen. mais le huitdanslav est une grand merde,
so est votre pare-brise ees ah aul misty avec le chauffage, ou sans chauffage?
Does anyone else have a problem with the front window misting up on a Freelander Serengiti TD4?

Thanking you in advance for any info.

I have an Xedi and the windscreen takes ages to de-mist. LOL!

But then as slob said, my heater core is bust, leaks water onto the passenger footwell. :(
le eater ee as a ting ee looka likee le ittle , ow you say, padehater?
es gotta une fuite qui let du l'eau mixs avec ton air.

le air ees ah getting to le pare-brise et le eau eesa sticky to le pare-screen. mais le huitdanslav est une grand merde,
so est votre pare-brise ees ah aul misty avec le chauffage, ou sans chauffage?
So you really did face the front and listen at school then.:rolleyes:
well i would have done if i'd gone to school but i didn't was out earning when everybody else was stuck in skool
see if you knew me you'd realise if i dint feel like doing summin then i just dint do it and skool was one of them...still managed to pass me 'o' levels..i was always the one that"could do better if he tried"
ffs i knew that was coming.. i whent on a regular basis till i was abart 13 then i gav eup wiff it.. then i went about 2 or 3 weeks a year till i was 16 when i escaped completly. and incase yur wondering HOW?.. they thought i had a home tutor. which i dint.. but it kept them happy..
Well, thank you Mr slob for an insite in to your childhood.............I'm sure Ally will find that very helpful in sorting out her windscreen.............anymore little gems you have to offer us??
eee wint me that started it.. and YOU did ask "how else would i have taken 'o'levels. so if you dint wanna know why ask?

oh an anuffer fing, who else has offered any help fer ally and her misty window??
eee wint me that started it.. and YOU did ask "how else would i have taken 'o'levels. so if you dint wanna know why ask?

oh an anuffer fing, who else has offered any help fer ally and her misty window??

Put your aircon on, it will help dehydrate the air in the cabin. Also rev up the fan to position 3 or more and point airflow to windscreen first, when it's clear you can change it to other positions and lower speed again.

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