
New Member
Ok i know its been covered before so don't kick off yet:bolt:

a Couple of months ago i fitted new front vent seals the foam ones to my 95 defender and i still have a bit of water coming in on the passengers side i cannot get the bloody things any tighter on, and they have not slipped of. So do i fit the older rubber ones as well and go for over kill or do i seal the bloody things up? with sealant i did try Plumbers mate once just makes a bloody mess and sticks everywhere took fooking ages to clean off as well. Getting ****ed of with finding a puddle in the passengers footwell every morning so any bright ideas would do and yes i know its a bloody Land rover and they leak, but for fooks sake its got to stop its doing my fooking head in fooking, fook, fook, fook!!!! fooking fooker. God i am to polite!
Are you sure its the vent seals leaking?
May be the door seals if the seal is kinked in any way.
Do a search on here and there is a useful leak finder somewhere.
Shifty, thank you i see the light as they say, i was ####ing around with the door seal on the passengers side at the same time....... This could be the miracle moment putty and Gaffer tape tomorrow in me lunch break oh what an exciting life i have!!!!!!!!
As shifty said , but pay close attention to where the screen meets the bulkhead as it tracks in there too . failing that your roof might be leaking and welling up in the gutters on the inside , then tracking down like my one was .

Search for " water ingress manual " on here :)
Shifty, thank you i see the light as they say, i was ####ing around with the door seal on the passengers side at the same time....... This could be the miracle moment putty and Gaffer tape tomorrow in me lunch break oh what an exciting life i have!!!!!!!!
I only mention it because after spending three days trying to track down a front vent leak into my driver footwell it turned out to be the door seal had a small kink just about where the seal bulges out to take the shape of the door and wings that directed water straight in. Straightened out the seal and bingo no more water in the footwell.
Thanks again everyone got another notch on the lever today with the help of one of the guys at work that may work i have retaped and puttied al the bits as per the leak manual around the door have yet to tackle the window bit we shall see:)
Thanks again.

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