slob said:
. **** can work its way in past the strings that hold it together

Bits o string holding Real Landrovers together, Who'd o ferkin thought eh!
When was the last time You checked yer Balls?, Or when was the last time yer could see the ferkers ?
Lardy Boy:p :D
I do wish you would stop swearing, it's very rude you know.

I offered a quick fix solution which some people might like to follow, I have made it very clear I have never done it on any of my own Series or coil sprung vehicles but know of several people who have done it to their own vehicles (oh and REME use it as a field repair as I was informed by a friend/collegue in that organisation).

With regards the relevance to the 101, haven't you worked it out yet? It isn't gators as the 101 was never fitted with them (had them on my S111 but didn't like them as they can hold muck if/when it gets inside, glad the MOD saw sense and didn't fit them as standard to the 90/110 fleet), it's your dismissal of the alternative method I suggested. The fact that the swivels are welded to the axle-casing on the 101 makes seal replacement via the normal method a trifle difficult.
Replacing the swivels themselves is a very expensive job as the whole axle casing has to be replaced however I was lucky, new seals and I had 6-years leak-free ownership but there I go, wandering off the point again......:)
my friend was in the reme for over ten years and he reckons he wasted a great deal of time redoing seals that had been cut and bodged up. so it was done but it was never a viable solution to the problem it just past it on to someone else.
Litch said:
I do wish you would stop swearing, it's very rude you know.

I offered a quick fix solution which some people might like to follow, I have made it very clear I have never done it on any of my own Series or coil
With regards the relevance to the 101, haven't you worked it out yet? It isn't gators as the 101 was never fitted with them (had them on my S111 but didn't like them as they can hold muck if/when it gets inside, glad the MOD saw sense and didn't fit them as standard to the 90/110 fleet), it's your dismissal of the alternative method I suggested. The fact that the swivels are welded to the axle-casing on the 101 makes seal replacement via the normal method a trifle difficult.
Replacing the swivels themselves is a very expensive job as the whole axle casing has to be replaced however I was lucky, new seals and I had 6-years leak-free ownership but there I go, wandering off the point again......:)

you make no ****ing sense..oh! sorry you make no sense...... and i can 't be arsed to try and decipher yer ramblings
Litch said:
I do wish you would stop swearing, it's very rude you know

Whose ****in swearing? FERKIN is not a rude word,:p

Ooh guess yer mean slob:rolleyes:

Any how Take 5
av yer got yersell sorted;)
Bleedin 'ell, I go away off roading for a weekend and the thread runs away with itself...

Anyway, swivel is gonna be looked at next weekend if i get chance, and when Slim gets back from Scottish Hill Rally, he's gonna sort the transfer box out (external linkages are all free, problem is internal). Had great fun this weekend, but due to afore mentioned transfer box, f**ked up the last few sections and finished last. Never mind, it was still enjoyable!

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