
03 Disco 2 - MOT fail with broken offside Spring (drives like a dream so I had no idea there was a problem!).
Trying to order a new pair and shock absorbers but Paddocks insisting I tell them the colours of the existing springs. It's a 12 year old car with 84k on the clock so plenty of crud on the springs and despite an hour of crawling under the car and much rubbing of both springs, I can't see any remaining colour coding on them.

I've got the VIN but this isn't enough for Paddocks. Local LR stealer says the same thing.
So how do you order new front springs - any ideas what was standard? Mainly road work some towing and occasional field or off road (nothing serious). Help !

This may help for future
Hi Andi, All the details you need are on page 945 of RAVE. Couldn't work out how to copy it onto the post, sorry.
Ended up being told to buy by Paddocks the Yellow/orange / Green Orange. Fitted and all ok although it does seem to be a much harder ride and some side to side roll on Sheffield's poor quality roads (I've been on smoother green lanes...). The side to side roll wasn't there before the change- maybe this is what it's meant to be like!
Ended up being told to buy by Paddocks the Yellow/orange / Green Orange. Fitted and all ok although it does seem to be a much harder ride and some side to side roll on Sheffield's poor quality roads (I've been on smoother green lanes...). The side to side roll wasn't there before the change- maybe this is what it's meant to be like!

If it's a 'harder ride' this could mean the old springs had softened up over time, possibly sagged a little too? Or you have fitted updated springs.
However, if the ride is firmer on the front end it 'Should' roll less when cornering, not more....

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