Citizen Kane

Well-Known Member
I knew they needed doing and I'd been putting it off for several months but some light green lanes at the weekend persuaded me to just get on with it. Not a job I was looking forward to. This wasn't my first attempt, I had made a bush puller for changing out the spring bushes, in theory it should also pull the chassis bushes as well by I just couldn't seem to budge them.

So a new approach was needed. Instead of trying to pull the bush out as one I used a three stage approach.

First, make a boss that will pull out the already disbonding centre sleeve. Next a boss that will strip out whats left of the rubber then finally a top hat boss to pull the outer sleeve. The biggest improvement I made to the puller though was a large spreader plate against the chassis. With this in place I could really lean on the puller until an almighty bang announced that the struggle was over. Once the bush started to move I could swap back to the long tube and it was surprisingly easy to withdraw the rest of the outer sleeve.

Flushed IMG_1837.jpg IMG_1820.jpg IMG_1821.jpg IMG_1822.jpg IMG_1823.jpg IMG_1826.jpg IMG_1827.jpg IMG_1828.jpg IMG_1829.jpg IMG_1830.jpg IMG_1831.jpg IMG_1832.jpg IMG_1833.jpg IMG_1835.jpg IMG_1836.jpg with success I will move onto the rears with renewed confidence, lets hope its not misplaced.

Pictures attached.
Nice work, I would be lost without my lathe and Bridgeport mill. Now start thinking about pulling the steering relay out if you like a battle !
Nice work, I would be lost without my lathe and Bridgeport mill. Now start thinking about pulling the steering relay out if you like a battle !

I often think that all Land Rovers should come complete with some kind of workshop facilities. Wish I had a Bridgeport, one day maybe. I'm hoping that steering relay will be sometime in the distant future, a chance for hydraulics perhaps.

Very nice bit of kit you've made there, well done..

The Land Rover allows me to combine hobbies, I always think there nothing more satisfying than making yet another special tool.
...The Land Rover allows me to combine hobbies, I always think there nothing more satisfying than making yet another special tool.
Me too, I've made loads of special tools over my years in the motor trade, recently I've made a tyre changing machine and a valve spring compressor.
That’s a neat tool. Having had to burn out the rubber and hacksaw the sleeves it looks very efficient.
I couldn’t understand why my not inspector had put them down as an advisory.
Removing one with a big socket and a lump hammer wasn’t fun but the bush was fine.
It turned out the bolts had worn which gave the play in the suspension. They had a good half millimetre step in them.

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