

Trying to remove front central seat from Defender 90 td5 as it as much use as tits on a fish when compared to the luverly cubby box the missus has bought me for my bday.

Any tips or handy hints on removing the rear bolts from the front seat frame - can't really see how to get at the domed hex head tops. frustrating as every time I try it rains down the back of my pants.


Thanks - this thread sort of helps but everybody seems to be talking about holding the heads with an open spanner - it feels to me as if the internal end of the bolt are hex headed domed screws and it is impossible to get anything to hold them whilst rotating the nut underneath.
Just look down between the bulkhead and the seat with a torch. You can see the head of the bolts. If you have got hex headed bolts then just grab the head with a pair of grips or something whilst undoing the nut.
Sorry, perhaps my use of the phrase hex headed screws was a little missleading. They are dome headed with what either feels like a allen key hole or standard cross headed screw. They are crudded up enough for me to assume (possibly wrongly) that they are original. If they were just standard Hex headed bolts, I'd of had the buggers out by now.

I'm off to give it a good seeing to with an old chisel.
They were T30s but thanks for the advice about getting at them from behind the seat. All removed now and ready to fit Cubby.

I will post full details of removal and fitting for future reference.

Cheers all!


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