
New Member
Hi Everyone, could do with some expertise, bought a 2A unseen a few years ago, mistake I know, and as we are at the final stages of rebuild find that while rear prop shaft is fine my front one is 25mm short, some one suggested its something to do with shackle plate angle.
Any advice much appreciated


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pic of rear of front springs would help is engine actually in place thinking springs not compressed enough.
Ps I cannoot the shackle plates being an issue, yours look fine
Have a measue between the diff and tfer box flange and see what others say theirs measure at?
Your spring shackle looks fine loosen the rubber boot on the propshaft and check it is extending fully.
What engine have you got fitted that caused issue with bulkhead?
Is the propshaft the original one that was fitted when you bought it or a replacement, if replacement check it is correct part number.
Diffs are all the same unless the rear is a series 3 one with no filler plug in diff housing, even so difference is small.

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