tim m

New Member
So my cardon joint has gone. Fortunately only at slow speed as I was driving around town, fingers crossed there isn't any other damage. It' been "clunking" in and out of gear for a couple of weeks now. Then on Friday there was a horrible noise as I was driving along. Stopped and checked and sure enough it's totally knackered.

I need the car back up and running asap for obvious reasons! Had a look on ebay at the bearing kits but they are all being sold by the same seller who states he is on holiday until the beginning of July! Some googling reveals that his company appears to be the main supplier of these kits :(

So, option 1: find a kit elsewhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Option 2: replace the whole prop shaft with a used one off ebay. There's lots on there. Is the shaft the same on the auto and manual models?

Thanks in advance!
Has your D2 got diff lock? If so, just remove front prop and run round with it engaged while you get it sorted. :)
Have a good look at the middle joint aswell to make sure it hasn't bent or rubbed away in any of the cups
No diff lock, although I've read elsewhere on here today that some do have it just not connected up. Unfortunately the car is still at work so I can't check until the morning. It's an early 02.

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