
Active Member
OK, before I storm off and be forced to buy an ugly power socket splitter I just wanted to see if I'm missing something here.
The front power socket (I'll not call it a cigarette lighter) works perfectly and accepts most of my chargers for various devices.
Howerver, when I try and use my small twin USB adaptor (I have two by differnct manufacturers) they don't work. One fails to fit snugly and the other...well...just doesn't work. These two adaptors are smaller in length (about 3.5cm) than the normal adaptors you get with equipment such as a sat-nav and I'm wondering wether this has something to do with it.
Anyway, short of fitting a new power socket or getting an ugly pwer socket spitter which may accomodate them, is there anything I can do?
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My observation with this is that the power socket for the d2 is a little bit deeper than that on my other vehicle. This translates to the connector at the end of the plug not making contact with the base of the plug. What I did was to mould a bit of aluminum foil to form a cap that extended the end of the plug and "voila" we got power.
My observation with this is that the power socket for the d2 is a little bit deeper than that on my other vehicle. This translates to the connector at the end of the plug not making contact with the base of the plug. What I did was to mould a bit of aluminum foil to form a cap that extended the end of the plug and "voila" we got power.

That's what I thought, but using tin foil to extend an adapter? Seriously?
I've got experiance of what happens when tin foil solutins go awry -see pic: Scammell Commander where someone allegedly had a 'temporary' fuse made from foil which then caused the entrire engine bay to catch fire. Not pretty and very expensive!

If someone could suggest a safe(er) way of extending the end of a socket adaptor it would be very well received.


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I extended the with a small self tapping screw, drilled then screwed in to the centre. All fuses still working in place.
I did think about adding solder to the centre and then filing to shape, but thought self tapper was easier and quicker.
I extended the with a small self tapping screw, drilled then screwed in to the centre. All fuses still working in place.
I did think about adding solder to the centre and then filing to shape, but thought self tapper was easier and quicker.

Soldering would heat the pin up so much either the wire would come off inside or the housing would melt - self tapper would be best.

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