Sure it's not your hairdryer ya hearing? Could of switched it on whilst driving being a Gaylander anorl'..? :p
nah its not my hairdryer...that was in the morning after i had just finished my perm.
anywho...seems ur a bit lost chap. looks like ur driving an old farmers favourite in ur picture so off u toddle down the road theres a good lad ;-)
Hehee, It's far from a farmers wagon I'm afraid, prittey much new everything :p
But yes seeing as I'm a farmer it is me favourite over the Hilux!

Ooo and it'll give your Gaylander a run for it's money ;)
On road that is, offroad don't even need to quibble lol.
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Hehee, It's far from a farmers wagon I'm afraid, prittey much new everything :p
But yes seeing as I'm a farmer it is me favourite over the Hilux!

Ooo and it'll give your Gaylander a run for it's money ;)
On road that is, offroad don't even need to quibble lol.
If yer a real farmer int you got a real tratter?

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