
Active Member
My P38 is leaking Rain water into the front footwell from the heater ducts behind the glove box - I am absolutely certain that it isn't coolant water.

Does any one know how it might be getting into the heater ducts?
I suspect that a drain may be blocked but I have no idea where the drain for the Heater vent intake in front of the windscreen drain to.

Just a guess, but I would investigate the drain for the air con. Do you get a small puddle under the gearbox area after switchinf off? if not, this could be your problem.
Probably because it's a Land Rover!

I hate to say it, but...... They are not the most water tight things in the world!

Hi, I foud out there was water in the driver foot well too , First I thought it was coming from the pollen filter covers since I recover the seals with silicone there was not a posibility but tyhe water kept coming from the wiper motor wire harness plunge that was not in its place, maybe a defect from factory since there is no way to take iit out unless you take appart the heater ventilation grill, by the way I took away the destroyed sponge filter (heater air inlet filter)and upgrade it to folded moskito Black PVC screen, it looks awesome and will last longer. Now water leak in that particular area is fixed.
Frosticles, ARRGH, get out, get out, you're in the Rangie forum........I ended up here by mistake too. What do we series & 90 owning fools know about pollen filters, air con or (worthwhile) heater ducts? These people expect their vehicles to be watertight, we're happy not to find frogs beneath our feet.

Leaking rainwater? PAH! I can always tell what the weather was last week from looking at my footwell this week............Get out, get out, they'll eat your children........they're not right.........they own Range Rovers! :eek:
Oops! Did it again...... Hit the wrong button...... Arrggghhh!

Hey.. hey.. hey..... it echos in here... here... here...... :D

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