Oh, I'm terribly sorry I must apologise. I'd totally forgotten the way I have Parker drive my RR will devalue it. It is a good thing we have sensible owners like you who ensure there are some left for future generations.

That's ok we work tirelessly to preserve good ones for posterity. It is a labour of love but we try hard. At least the P38 does have one simple massive advantage over and above the previous model. It does not have built in rust. :D:D:D
well we wont be going off road in ours i have a proper off roader a suzuki sj with a 1,9td motor in it this runs rings around land/range rovers offroad lol we know range rovers are bloody expensive to run at about 19MPG but we have it for our disabled son so we can drop it to the floor for him to climb in and out easy and boot is big enough for the wheelchair and 3 muts
well we wont be going off road in ours i have a proper off roader a suzuki sj with a 1,9td motor in it this runs rings around land/range rovers offroad lol we know range rovers are bloody expensive to run at about 19MPG but we have it for our disabled son so we can drop it to the floor for him to climb in and out easy and boot is big enough for the wheelchair and 3 muts
I almost choked on my coffee.....

I will refrain my usual tirade :D:D:D:D:D

A Range Rover is for Off Roading not just for Chelsea...:cool:
Other than a flat bed, when was the last time yours was offroad? :p
Yesterday....her indoors is an Award Winning published Photographer and she gets me to go to alsorts of odd places and oftentimes they are off tarmac an through farms or Greenlanes...so My darling L322 does do its fair share of mud plugging....

Almost every weekend it gets a bit of mud and ruts under its rubber....I am not totally afraid of bush scratchs...but I do try to keep them to a minimum....

Last Month the L322 did the trip to Lincolnshire for the Aviemore Dog Sledding event that she wanted to photograph...the L322 handled the Mud and forest tracks flawlessly....

I may have a Range Rover and an L322 at that, but she does her fair share of rough stuff and load lugging (although I do lay sheets in the back for that :D)
Yesterday....her indoors is an Award Winning published Photographer and she gets me to go to alsorts of odd places and oftentimes they are off tarmac an through farms or Greenlanes...so My darling L322 does do its fair share of mud plugging....

Almost every weekend it gets a bit of mud and ruts under its rubber....I am not totally afraid of bush scratchs...but I do try to keep them to a minimum....

Last Month the L322 did the trip to Lincolnshire for the Aviemore Dog Sledding event that she wanted to photograph...the L322 handled the Mud and forest tracks flawlessly....

I may have a Range Rover and an L322 at that, but she does her fair share of rough stuff and load lugging (although I do lay sheets in the back for that :D)

A lot of her work can be seen on www.Britishdoggers.co.uk. :D:D:D

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