
New Member
I've got some troubles with my front doors. The drivers door won't shut, I pull the door and the catch won't get hold so it bounces back open. To make it shut I can slam it and that works sometimes but pushing the button on top to lock then unlock it will shut fine. I was driving before and leant on the door and it just came open. I was doing 40mph at the time so was hardly convenient! Girlfriend thought I did it on purpose.

The passenger door is getting temperamental at opening properly. Pull the handle it sits half open in the catch and has to be pushed shut to be opened again and that sometimes works.

I've been reading around and couldn't find related issues. The spring I believe is related to the locking if the doors which there is no issue. Unlocks and locks fine with locking fob.

How can I fix these issues. I could do with getting them sorted sharpish

Cheers in advance.
Bump, anyone got any ideas? Could it just be a lubrication issue? Will adjusting the rods in the door so anything?
Try adjusting the striker plate or pin on a D1 (you just need an allen key to fit) on the B pillar.
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ok so it seems after pulling the catch mechanism out the door its the part with the spring on that holds the catch down and gets lifted to pop the door open when you pull the handle, is sticking in the up position, so when i shut the door, its not allowing the 'jaws' of the catch to shut on the pin in the door shut. liberal amounts of degreaser to clean and then lubrication to make it run smooth has made no difference, i can push the lock pin on top down and pull it back up before shutting the door and it will shut and stay shut most of the time, if i do a half catch on the door when shutting then pull shut it will not hold properly and likes to come open if you a) lean on it or b) go round a left hand bend, which makes things interesting. the passenger door can be opened from the outside but inside it will only go to half catch.

two new catches will be ordered and fitted, dont want to bodge them and keep fixing them.

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