
New Member
Hi folks, new to this forum so sorry for the long intro post, but if anyone has any further idea's I'd appreciate them.

Out of the blue a day ago, my disco1, 300tdi, Manual, started juddering/vibrating.
. This seems to be happening only when driving and in gear, so not an engine issue. Not really noticable in 1st, a little in second, loads in 3rd and upwards. It's less-to-non juddery at high revs and when there's not a lot of load on the engine - ie downhill.

I did a bit of web searching and came accross many similar probs with Universal Joints, however, upon a brief inspection and jiggling around all seems solid.

Then I noticed on the front diff-to-prop joint a load of rubber wrapped around the diff side. It looks rather like a really thin belt that's got caught around the joint.

Now, I'm assuming this may be the oil seal from the diff. Just wondering if anyone has come accross this type of failure before??? It just doesn't seem to match any other probs I've found on the web.

I'll try and get a pic of it tomorrow.

Do you think this is the seal - shreaded. May the bearing have had it too???

Well, I've now checked the front prop and something comes to light

A couple of months ago the water pump bearing went, as this sent the pully off wonky it resulted in the belts coming off and wrapping themselves around EVERYTHING!!! So, the rubber I removed seems to be some remnants of the serpant belt that I must've missed!!!! Ah I thought, it must've been that that just sent the prop off balance.

So after I removed it I went for a drive and all seemed ok, untill.... it came back
after about a mile it crept back in and it's doing the same. It may not be quite as bad, but still....

The props still do not have any play in them either!

I must check the wheel nuts as If it was just a loose wheel that may be embarassing!!!!!!
Diff problems only manifest themselves noticeably in 3rd 4th and 5th, so you're on the right lines

Remove front prop and try driving again.

Before you spend any money, check the oil level in the front diff. If that is ok then remove the front end of the front prop and examine the diff flange.

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