
New Member
I was just going through some old photos and found this. I put in in part exchange for a MG Maestro in 1984 and got £3,500 for it.

Price UK: £ 8 007.48 incl. tax & VAT (1st Aug 1977)

Three door rangies are worth big money ,saw one on ebay recently wad dragged out of a shed after 20 odd years (they showed pics of the tree they had to cut down first !) and it made 2.5k
I wish I could find one, they are not to bad to restore, every panel bolts or screws on. Though if you keep the original 2 star engine they are a thirsty beast,

oo that is a nice one, prefer them in their original simplicity to the complexity they are today

there is a chap with a garage round here, serviced my s3 once, he had a yellow one - not keen on the colour myself - one of the early ones, it was tax free, absolutely corking condition
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1984 MG Maestro, 1600, twin 40 carbs, talking dash and red seat belts, woooohoooo, I remember the advert with Noel Edmunds.

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