if yer S2 is a petrol one, you'll go from 16mpg to 16.5mpg!

they're crap - don't bother.
they do reduce your road noise, but if you use your 4wd frequently can you be bothered with faffing about with your hubs everytime you want 4wd? especially if you are a foot deep i mud when you make the decision.

Can't find any for my rangey axles so I don't even need to make the decision.
55 mph flat out with 4 wheel drive
65 mph flat out with 2 wheel drive
If you aint got much power and you dont mind having to remember to engage them then FWH are worth it.
with a diesel engine and a cold morning youl soon notice if they are engaged or not ''every little helps'' if its got em use em they are a help
from my past experiece HTSH :)
They will work but you have to re engage them occasionally to re lube the drive train, think, the more metal engaged and moving the more power needed to move it hence more fuel!!

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