I can confirm that lanes will be Freelander friendly - I have a friend in a standard daily drive F1 who has driven all the lanes i'm proposing - as well as me driving them in my shiny D3 many a time - which i can assure you is not one for getting scratched on lanes! :)

(For other people on the forum reading there will also be other laning trips for more experienced / less paint work worried folk)

I hope they'll still be challenging and not too safe
So we have one :D:D

1. SES88

I will put you down on the laning list in Green Laning :D
I would love to come ,but I am awaiting 4 operations on my hands and arms and they could start at any time ,what a pity
I can't be arsed reading through all the crap again but if this is the gaylander gaylaning sigayn up(hill gardening) page, stick me on for a slight body damage route with the standard disco's please.
I can't be arsed reading through all the crap again but if this is the gaylander gaylaning sigayn up(hill gardening) page, stick me on for a slight body damage route with the standard disco's please.

Use more lube :rofl:
Put my name down :)

I can't be arsed reading through all the crap again but if this is the gaylander gaylaning sigayn up(hill gardening) page, stick me on for a slight body damage route with the standard disco's please.

Well it isn't really, but I will put your names down on the laning trip thread.

You need to put your names down on the event thread as well :D:D:D
If i had 1 mate i would be there, in still trying to find the 1 lol might see if anyone wants to swap the missus for 1 kill 2 birds with 1 stone
What's this about, where's it at?


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