
New Member
Hi All,

Been a while without any problems so havnt been around much but im wondering if anyone would have any ideas about this.

On the weekend we traveled back from Shrewsbury on the motorway and I was pushing her a little more then usual. When I got to the slower roads when in low revs we seemed to be able to hear the standard diesel engine rattle alot louder then normal.

I got her home and checked the oil and levels and everything was fine, she hasnt lost any power or anything but seems a hell of alot louder, others say from the outside it sounds the same but in the cab you can barely think. Is there any explanation for this or is it all in my mind?

I was thinking that I may have lost some insulation somewhere or soemthing but its only ideas running through my head, is everyone elses XEDI's engines loud?

Cheers and sorry for the story :D
hmmm . .sounds just like my transfer case before it finally gave way / but that might not be it.

Thanks for the reply, it sounds like a loud transit van but only in the low revs, once you get up the revs it quietens off a bit.

The noise reminds me of the old ford CVH engines when there tappets needed doing. Does anyone know what I can do to quieten it down (i.e. Like Changing the tappets) or something.

Not to hot on derv engines :(
Thought id just update the thread, the Landy is still sounding like a tractor so im still invesitgating. I have another problem though which I think people may be able to answer easier.

When accelerating the engine management light will come on and she will hold back with a loss of acceleration, if I remove my foot from the accelerator the light goes off and I can accelerate again normally. It happens in any gear and at complete random revs.

Anyone have any ideas? Its more annoying then a problem really.


P.S. Did a search and could only find simular problems with the TD4's and not the L Series.
Check the wire coming from number one injector. ii it chafes on the head it short out intermittently causing the exact symptoms you described. Start by putting something (non conducting) between the engine and the wire to hold it off , if that works, then wrap it in insulation tape and re-route it
Very strange happenings now, drove all the way home from work last night with the loud tapping / rattle / chatter and just ignored it. Used the car later on and not a sound, it was quieter then when I bought it. Either something has fixed itself or what ever it was has fallen off, either way im gonna have to find out what it was.
Ok had my dad take a look at this last weekend and he thinks my Cam Belt tensioner had stuck so the belt was slightly loose and the timeing was out. Its gone back now but under investigation all the pulleys etc are cacked in crap. Time for a new cam belt me thinks and ill get the set too and do the tensioners.

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