
Active Member
Hi all,
Bought a new Push Rod kit to replace the driver side which broke off but when I took the Wimdscreen Wiper Assmebly off the car I found the drivers side Spindle was jammed solid, obviously that"s why the Push Rod broke. Phoned my local Land Rover repair shop and they are quoting me over £140 for a new assembly.Anyone know where I could by a cheaper one or should I chance buying a second hand one for £20.00 on ebay..
I've never come across a seized Freelander wiper spindle. If it was a VW, then I'd not be surprised, but for a FL1 spindle to seize is a rarity.

As above, try to free it off, and get plenty of lubrication into it.

Otherwise find a second hand one. Like I said, they don't normally seize up at all.

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