
New Member
Hello i have a problem with my Throttle potentiometer loss of power engine management light etc etc...

The car is a Freelander and its the 1998 model in diesel, Its coming to the end of its life not had much go wrong with it apart from the rear diff.

Im hoping you guys can help me with either a FIX or a CHEAP replacement as i dont want to spend hundreds of pounds on a new one as the car is 13 years old now...

Thanks in advance for any feedback and help :)

Also the rear door no longer wants to open HAHAHAHA!!!
if you are deffo sure it's the throttle potentiometer, it might be possible to recalibrate it.

not totally sure, you will have to do a search, but I think it is something like turn the ignition on and pump the throttle pedal 5 times then start it.

like I say, not totally sure, but worth a try, but search first in case I've got the procedure a bit wrong.
thanks for the reply mate!!!

Well i got it on a diag machine and it said it was faulty but ive heard it could be faulty wires or something...

I tried the ignition and throttle pump but it did not work :(
I saw in a previous thread someone said turn ignition on until lights show then pump throttle 5 times then turn off and on... that defo did not work i will try the way you say right now and ill post results...

Thanks again for the reply!!!
It dont seem to do it when the engine is cold... but ive just been out and the engine is still warm i tried the throttle pump you just suggested and it seems to have done the trick will report back tmoz after a full days driving :)

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