
New Member
hi there, used the forum as a guest the last few weeks but joined up now!:D

I know there are loads of links relating to this already on the sight but can't find one that relates to my dilema so here goes:

My problem is i've taken my Freelander TD4 2002 to an independant Land Rover Garage caues it won't start.
It turns over but won't BITE!

They've done the diagnostics and told me its the Alarm ECU !? (£80+vat)

It all started when i pulled over to answer a phone call, i turned the engine off, answered the phone then when i went to start it wouldn't go!

I tried the fuses, relays and fuel cutoff switch to no avail, so called out the RAC man. While waiting I had to take my 3 year old to the toilet, so locked the car and unlocked when the RAC man turned up.

Now after hearing from the garage that its the alarm ECU i realised i should have pressed the unlock button on the remote after my phone call, but surely when i came back to the car and unlocked it, it should've started??? But no!

The RAC man started it with false fuel sprayed into the inlet (ie easystart spray!) He said it may be air getting inot the system!!??

My problem is, when did the damage to the ECU occur?? And has anyone had similar issues with their Land Rover? or any opinions??

thanks Stephen:)
christ this is spooky. I have exactly the same issue with mine at the moment, its going to an diesel injection specialist on thursday for a check over. Just won't start, unless easy start is used, then it runs like a dream. However, the garage have found a misfire between 3000 and 3500 revs, which I hadn't noticed.

Just because there is a fault code for the alarm ecu in the memory doesnt mean that is the fault, it may be historic. Get the garage to clear it down, then try restarting. This won't cure your fault, but it will show if the fault reoccurs when you try to start

Good luck, I'll keep you posted.
Cheers for that, will phone them monday and get them to do it before ordering the part.
Haven't noticed any misfiring myself but thats not to say there isn't any!
I had a similar problem except mines would start eventually, just turning over and nothing, had diagnostics done on it and they found a similar fault immobilser, took it too a Land Rover garage and the fault wasn't there. I had suspicions that it was a fuel pressure problem but before I went down the road of buying a new pump I put a fuel additive in the tank and have not had a problem now for 5 weeks, don't know if this might help you but I would put fuel additive in the tank and see how you get on before going to a lot of expense, just a suggestion.
Ask the garage to explain how a faulty alarm ecu is overcome by using easystart.!! it doesn't sound very plausible.
If the RAC man started it with easy start then I would say it's not a fualty alarm/immobilser. A diesel will be prevented from starting in two ways, no compression (not affected by alarms systems) or no fuel. If the alarm system is operating them there will be no fuel to the engine, the engine can be started by spraying something into the intake (easystart) but would not run when that was taken away as the fuel would still be prevented from getting to the engine by the alarm system - what would be the point of having an alarm system if all the thief needed was a can of easystart.
Dont know really? the garage has cleared the faults and then retried and it is still showing the alarm ECU immobilising!! :(

I tried easy start myself but it only started once then died (ie no fuel). just waiting now for the ECU to come from Germany - 10 days !!:mad:

Put fuel additive in about 2 months ago so i wouldn't think it would need it again!:confused:
My Freelander has died a death this weekend and will not now start. Hubby has replaced, rotor arm, distributor cap, HT leads and plugs, still no joy. Now found today that fuel not getting through to the filter. Blown down the pipe and can hear air coming through at 'in line' pump. However, pump only seems to be working intermittently. Am therefore posing two questions please:- Should the filter be full of fuel and shouldnt the pump be running all the time when igintition on?

Have just been quoted £349 for a new pump
My Freelander has died a death this weekend and will not now start. Hubby has replaced, rotor arm, distributor cap, HT leads and plugs, still no joy. Now found today that fuel not getting through to the filter. Blown down the pipe and can hear air coming through at 'in line' pump. However, pump only seems to be working intermittently. Am therefore posing two questions please:- Should the filter be full of fuel and shouldnt the pump be running all the time when igintition on?

Have just been quoted £349 for a new pump

Sue, it might be worth starting a new thread or a search as this thread is about td4 diesel engine.

Anyway I havent got a petrol freelander but have had lots of fuel injected cars. So here is my opinion, the fuel filter should be full of fuel at a pressure of 60psi or above. The pump will run intermittently, it will probably run for 5 sec or so when you turn the ignition on, then it will stop till you start cranking the engine. If you can put a fused positive from the battery to the fuel pump, making sure no fuel is leaking and no sparks etc, be careful. Then try and start car. If it runs fine, remember it will take a little while to push air out of system (say 30 secs), if it does run fine then you have an electrical problem, maybe fuel pump relay. If it still doesnt start then it might be worth cleaning out the fuel pump itself, details can be found here:
If that doesn't work then you might very well have a fuel pump problem. Before you do buy a new pump its always worth checking for a spark.

Hope that gives you a few ideas?
just got mine back today, turns out number 2 injector had failed. All sorted, runs like a dream. (maybe I'm just glad to get out of the wifes zafira !)
Latest update : Had to order new Alarm ECU from LR, coming from Germany, Should've taken 10 days to arrive, Still waiting after over 3 weeks, Freelander been in garage since, no way of bypassing the ECU to un-immobilise the car.

Any advice??

Garage just keep telling me they're waiting for a date from land rover and that LR can't tell them when it'll be here even though they originally said 10 days!! In this era of technology i can't beleive it!
Latest update : Had to order new Alarm ECU from LR, coming from Germany, Should've taken 10 days to arrive, Still waiting after over 3 weeks, Freelander been in garage since, no way of bypassing the ECU to un-immobilise the car.

Any advice??

Garage just keep telling me they're waiting for a date from land rover and that LR can't tell them when it'll be here even though they originally said 10 days!! In this era of technology i can't beleive it!

hope you've got a courtesy vehicle. seems to keep them on their toes when you're running round clocking up mileage on one of their vehicles
Only thing I can think of is to try a breakers or maybe one of the online part finder services.

According to the garage, this part has to be programmed at the suppliers (BMW i Suspect), therefore cannot be replaced by a second hand one!:(

had to supply VIN number when ordering apparently!
hope you've got a courtesy vehicle. seems to keep them on their toes when you're running round clocking up mileage on one of their vehicles

Haven't had one of their cars upto now as we have a second vehicle, but it is becoming an issue! Maybe i should contact them today about the prospect of a vehicle from them mid-week, maybe that will get them moving??!! :confused:
According to the garage, this part has to be programmed at the suppliers (BMW i Suspect), therefore cannot be replaced by a second hand one!:(

had to supply VIN number when ordering apparently!

Thats a pity.

I am guessing this is to match with existing key and remote fobs. So if you could get an ecu + Keys + alarm fob you might be in luck? Just a thought but breakers are fairly switched on these days so may have the whole matching lot?
I think that the imobiliser part of the key is in the plastic bit. So you dont need to change locks just the plastic top of the key.

The above is my GUESS I dont have any evidence that this would work but it should.

Hopefully the new unit will arrive soon.
update: have found out that the part has been ordered through BEARMACH. I have contacted them myself to see if they can shed some light onto why it is 4 weeks and still no part...... waiting for call back! :(
HELP!!!! :(

phoned the garage, they ordered the alarm ECU from bearmach
phoned Bearmach, they told me the part is on BackOrder from Land Rover and they have absolutely no way of finding out when it will be sent but once the part is ordered it cannot be cancelled, therefore, where do i stand???

I can't drive my car without it and LR can't tell me when i will get the part? Therefore i'm paying road tax and insurance for my car to sit in the Garage for god only knows how long, weeks, months, years???

Please somebody Help me with some advise or someone i can contact in Land Rover ??????!!!!!! :(

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