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I have a TD4 adventurer its done 84k, when cold starts fine and runs ok. Once warm tickover is low and lumpy (the whole thing shakes including the people in it :(!!) then when pulling away there is white smoke which clears as long as you are moving, there is also loss of power but only when pulling away when warm. I have replaced the crankcase vapour filter and checked and cleaned the maf sensor, also checked all the intercooler hoses which are fine

Anyone have any ideas of what else it may be :confused:

Thanks in advance:)
i re read and see you checked them, but i had similar but black smoke, i did have a split that was only detected when revved and hoses expand, making it easy for assistant to find split. mine was about half inch, like a stanely knife has cut it.
I recently had a similar problem, white smoke and lumpy running at 2000rpm. the sequence of events was this:

suddenly had the charge light flicker on one night
made it back home, put the battery on charge
put it back in the car next day, white smoke and lumpy running
just occasionally the red charge light flickered
checked all the stuff folk told me to check, Hoses and such all ok
still white smoke and lumpy running @2000rpm
2 days after that the alternator fried big time
New alternator with old battery (fully charged) back in the car
and so far so good! no white smoke or lumpy running!

What caused it? no idea? I suspect it had a lot to do with the alternator dying.


Tom sounds like you were bordering on the 12.4v most ECU's require to work properly :) Would be my guess since your alternator failed shortly afterwards.

Cuff : White smoke would be Antifreeze / Water in the combustion chamber generally speaking. Whereas blue smoke is oil and Blacksmoke is unburnt fuel.

I'm not going to guess at a headgasket though, since them Td4 engines themselves are rocksolid engines. Its just the stuff we bolt onto them that tend to go tits up. Goodluck with the car :)
White smoke can be caused by a faulty injector and used to be when the end of the injector nozzle broke off allowing neat diesel to enter the combustion chamber. When injectors needed servicing and started to piddle you ended up with black smoke. Stick your nose near to the exhaust and if you can smell neat diesel then it's probably a faulty injector.
I have checked the rail sensor and re checked and tightened all the hoses also removed the injector plugs one at a time to see if there was any effect all made the engine idle worse or stayed the same is it worth removing the injectors for closer inspection at this point?
Have a look for the injector leak off test on this forum, should help prove if your injectors are passing.
Still struggling with this one, but now the weather has got colder the tickover has improved alot, anyone any more ideas ?


Injectors out me thinks......check injector seat washers for compression leaks, carbon up the side of injector, if there's non evident have injectors tested...
Hi has been a while since i posted i have investigated various avenues and finally took it to a diagnostic centre and he reported no apparent faults he suspects an injector failing i have looked into replacement injectors and the cheapest option is to by the ones without the plug head on are these easy to change??????? :confused:
Hi the injectors are easy to change as long as they are not siezed in the ports i have just changed 4 on my mates freelander and they came out fairly well but on here read some off the nightmare stories on removal of injectors you will need some new copper washers to reseal on rebuild good luck!
Hi have carried out a leak back test today made a rig similar to AngeloC's using syringes on a board, the results after 15 second running was number1=11ml,number2=11ml,number3=7ml & number4=13ml i take it this means number4 is fubar and 1&2 are close behind numero 3 seems ok see pic. Is this right interpretation?????:)


  • Leak back test.jpg
    Leak back test.jpg
    193 KB · Views: 1,005
I read on the net that the limit should be no more than 1.4 times the lowest reading so if that's correct it looks like you should have them serviced.
Have great news my freelander is back in the land of the living turned out one of my injectors had failed completely and flooded the bore with feul, thankfully no other damaged parts so removed the injector and 2 others that had poor leak back results and had them refurbished. Fitted them back in today and after a jump start and a few clouds of smoke as she cleared her throat she is now running sweet. Thanks for advice guys and lesson here is when you start getting erratic tick over sort it asap.

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