Matt BB

Afternoon guys, I’ve just picked up
a td4 with 133k on the clock. It’s got this really horrible noise when it’s revved. Sounds like something is about to break it’s not a knock it’s kind of a squeak / metallic / snagging noise . It’s not coming from belt area and it doesn’t sound like chain. Come on about 3k then goes at 4K?

Did it make the noise when you bought it?
The crankshaft on the TD4 is known to be weak, and break at the crank web, nearest the timing chain. It can continue to run for some time, before it finally fails completely.
Ok but at low revs up to 3k there’s no noise, and none at 4K. Also noise sounds higher up than crank.

every time it makes the noise you get a puff of smoke? Black smoke
Injector possibly sticking open? That's my next best guess, but really you'll need to do some proper investigation.
I thought injectors due to smoke, it’s doesn’t sound like engine noise to be honest but can injectors really make a noise like that?
I thought injectors due to smoke, it’s doesn’t sound like engine noise to be honest but can injectors really make a noise like that?

Potentially, if one is loose, or broken internally. But really the whole top end needs going through, as it could be anything.
Use a short length of hose pipe as a stethoscope to try and narrow it down a bit further ...
I will have a good listen tomorrow, just been out with it and it’s thick black smoke coming out the back. Timed well with the noise. Pretty good chance this is injectors due to smoke maybe?
Remove the engine top cover, and all air duct pipes, check for loose nuts or bolts, see if any around the injectors, but do not discount the crank pulley.
Personally i think it would have been easier and better if the intercooler and air ducting were separate.

do the above and report back.
Hi I thought I’d check back in, the noise has stopped now, it appears snake oil does work. I do have black smoke when booting it but there’s a split in boost pipe so I’m hoping once the boost pipe is replaced the smoke will disappear.

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