Hi guys I've been lurking in the background for last 2 years have an 05 hippo and yeah. As I'm posting here. Mines just done the same. Never seen anything like it before. ran until it had no oil left. But I think I've been lucky. Mine hasn't seized. Actually turns over and wants to start.

Has been recovered to an independent garage now waiting on a full diagnosis will keep you all informed and costs etc as I get more info.

When did you last change your crank case breather filter?
Was last summer in service for the new style one July was definatley turbo seal tho. Fortunately it only ran on for about 3 minutes. I had pulled in a layby but then couldn't turn it off. Didn't think to stall the engine to stop it as I've now found out that's the better option with a runaway turbo.
My TD4 engine gave up the ghost a few weeks back. Different problem, the crank on mine has fallen apart.

I bought a replacement engine with warranty for £500 with a warranty and paperwork to back up the mileage it's done. That's without the turbo. Fitting is about £250 to £300 and that's at a garage I know well and trust and who fortunately are cheap. There'll be extras like fuel and filters but hopefully under £1k to get it back on the road. Not sure how much a turbo on top is.

Hopefully that gives you an idea of cost...
Was last summer in service for the new style one July was definatley turbo seal tho. Fortunately it only ran on for about 3 minutes. I had pulled in a layby but then couldn't turn it off. Didn't think to stall the engine to stop it as I've now found out that's the better option with a runaway turbo.
The only way to stop an automatic is to block the air intake, if you're brave enough to lift the bonnet, rip off the intake pipe and stuff your best jumper in the inlet (you have to be quick though) :)
Have a price for a recon turbo exchange unit at £390 inc vat and next day delivery so there's a £400 to start it all off then whatever else may have been damaged. It did turn over without any effort though.
I hope theres oil in the engine if your trying to start it, and considering it's ran on it's own oil till it went bang, then there will be a low/none amount in it.
I was fortunate. Still had oil in the sump when it eventually stopped. Now has oil added and it starts and ticks over okay

So has not seized still waiting on warranty to decide if they will cover the replacement.
TURBO FILTER BLOCKS then turbo blows, pumps oil into the engine and the engine then drives itself to distruction running on the oil
The only way to stop an automatic is to block the air intake, if you're brave enough to lift the bonnet, rip off the intake pipe and stuff your best jumper in the inlet (you have to be quick though) :)

I was wondering what I would do to stop an automatic! Have to ask the question though Nick, which part of the intake pipe do you rip off & block??
Hi there Phill E. You have to disconnect the RH side knee pipe(when facing the engine bay) which actually is the only one visible when the plastic engine cover is on. That`s the one.
You could also rip off the flexi inlet hose on the left hand side of the engine (looking from the front) shouldn't be that difficult to rip off with the adrenalin raised:)

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