Soloby Rob

OK, I know I only usually come on here to have a laugh at Freeelanders but I need your help now:eek::eek:
My mate has an 04 Hippo and the tailgate drop glass has developed a mind of it's own, with the tailgate closed and the glass up, close the drivers door and the drop glass comes down, by closing the drivers door very gently with the door handle held up and let down once the door is in possition, the drop glass stays up. Lock the vehicle and sometimes the drop glass stays up, another time it comes down.
Any sugestions before my mate shoots it. :D:D
Is it a 3door? On the 3 door the window will lower if the roof is removed. Check for a loose connection.
If the power to the tailgate is removed the window will lower aswell. Check for a loose connection.
If it's a 3 door, the roof-off sensing microswitch is probably a bit loose and being activated by slamming the drivers door. Unlatch the roof and pull it up and back slightly, put some tape over the switch (shoulder height about halfway up the diagonal, drivers side) then refit and relatch the roof.
Thanks hawardo and Dann, I got to have a look at my mates Hippo today and using your advice I very quickly found the fault, the dozy twonk had somehow caught the right lower roof handle and moved it to the open position:doh: I simply closed it and hey! presto, instant fix.:D

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