
Hi guys ive just got myself a freelander 2004 facelift model td4 and its awesome but its got a phew problems one is which when its idling it running rough like its not ticking over high enough now i dont know when it was last serviced so it might just need a good service just wondered what you guys though also when your going along and you accelerate theres like a ticking noise only when the engine is under strain its weird i thought it might be that the gearbox doesnt have enough oil in just wondering

Give it a good service, dirty air filter is usually the source of rough tick over.
The ticking noise when under strain is more than likely the vcu support bearings on there way out.
ok will do that thanks for the advice try that and sorry for sounding stupid but were are the vcu support bearings located

Look under the car half way between front and back wheels. You will see a round thing (vcu) supported by two bearings (vcu support bearings) on either side. Give your prop shafts a waggle, there should only be a small amount of movement. If they move 5to10mm replace the bearings.
Ok, could be the IRD (intermediate reduction drive) needs an oil change, or gearbox, drive shafts worn etc.
But more detail needed:)
Clicks at what speed range, what gear, does click speed up slow down with engine or wheels. Can you give a rough idea to location.
As much info as possible.
remove the whole intake off the car. Get some brake cleaner.
Clean the egr, both sensors in the intake. I missed the MAP sensor, just done it today and my flatspot after changing gear has gone.
important things, engine filter just behind the injectors. fuel filter just in front of drivers rear wheel.
Right so i took it for a drive and it seems to be in 3rd 4th and 5th and its when you accelerate but if i put her in nutrual and rev her and keep her reved there is no noise and it seems to be coming from the engine bay for sure hope this can help

thanks :) :)
remove the whole intake off the car. Get some brake cleaner.
Clean the egr, both sensors in the intake. I missed the MAP sensor, just done it today and my flatspot after changing gear has gone.
important things, engine filter just behind the injectors. fuel filter just in front of drivers rear wheel.

Thanks i will give that a go as well were would those sensors be at

Ok, looking for help from a manual transmission person then.
Sorry I'm auto box only.

Someone else will help you soon ;)
my thought are if it is only two wheel drive then the previous owner had a problem probably with the vcu which led onto the ird and possibly the back diff if you brought it from a garage go back with it and see what can be done but if you got it cheap enough knowing it was only two wheel drive then you might be able to get it back to normal also when you do a service do not for get your crank case filter these are often overlooked and can cause problems.

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