If only I were as grown up as you...and you call me a sad c***.

Better things to do.

Some people are only alive because it is illegal to kill them...put yer sad self on that list.

I've copied and distributed about 20 copies of MemoryMap which takes 4 dvds & a cd. Never once have I asked for a penny either for copying or posting them out. But you Sad ****ing prick that you are can't even copy a single cd without wanting payment for it. And you call me sad!! FFS get yourself a life. When you've got one. Do the world a favour and end it as soon as possible...
Fine by me...somebody obviously expects me to breach copyright law with absolutely nothing in return..not even postage. or the cost of a disc.

Yer one tight git Gavvy, give all us Freelander owners a bad name. No wonder the folks with Pretenders slag us off so much with chookies like you feeding them so much ammo. Oh the despair.........................................
EEEERRRRRR, correct me if I am wrong, but I am not the one doing all the swearing and slagging off here.

For information..a member here offered me something for no cost other than postage. I actually,wrongly assumed that it was the 'done thing' in here.

I do not have to justify myself to anyone when I was offering to help...not slagging and abusing innocent users for no reason.

You will all do well to note that I have sent a complaint to the site owner.

Further...you are actually clearly breaking the law by using such foul language in these forums.
EEEERRRRRR, correct me if I am wrong, but I am not the one doing all the swearing and slagging off here.

For information..a member here offered me something for no cost other than postage. I actually,wrongly assumed that it was the 'done thing' in here.

I do not have to justify myself to anyone when I was offering to help...not slagging and abusing innocent users for no reason.

You will all do well to note that I have sent a complaint to the site owner.

Further...you are actually clearly breaking the law by using such foul language in these forums.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEE FOOKING ELL we've a reet one ere. whoooooo Am scared not a complaint ter Accy Pleeeeeeeeeessseeeeee Ah'll be a gud boy ah promise.

Yeah right like fook. At the risk of repeating myself Fook orf ya Knob rot gaylander driving tite fooking bastid..
EEEERRRRRR, correct me if I am wrong, but I am not the one doing all the swearing and slagging off here.

For information..a member here offered me something for no cost other than postage. I actually,wrongly assumed that it was the 'done thing' in here.

I do not have to justify myself to anyone when I was offering to help...not slagging and abusing innocent users for no reason.

You will all do well to note that I have sent a complaint to the site owner.

Further...you are actually clearly breaking the law by using such foul language in these forums.
HA Ah ha hah hoh ho hooh oha ah ah ha ha ehehhe hehhah hahaohaoahoa heoha ehoah eoah eoh ahehoah eoh a that's a cracker that is oho h ho ho oah ah ha ahhaeh eh ehheoehoe eoh aohe oahoeheoheo ouch, oh dear, hohoahoah oehoehaohe aohohhoaeheoehoo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh (dies)

beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee{bdumph}beeeeeeeeeeeee{bdumph} beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee{bdumph}eeeeeeebeeeeeeeeeebebebebebebebe beep...beep...beep...beep..."we got him back doc"

ahhaah eha hehahehah ehahe ha eheh ho ho ho ho ho ho h eh eh eh eahoaoh eohae oah eoh aoeh aeho e oh dear, no really, this hurts
HA Ah ha hah hoh ho hooh oha ah ah ha ha ehehhe hehhah hahaohaoahoa heoha ehoah eoah eoh ahehoah eoh a that's a cracker that is oho h ho ho oah ah ha ahhaeh eh ehheoehoe eoh aohe oahoeheoheo ouch, oh dear, hohoahoah oehoehaohe aohohhoaeheoehoo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh (dies)

beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee{bdumph}beeeeeeeeeeeee{bdumph} beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee{bdumph}eeeeeeebeeeeeeeeeebebebebebebebe beep...beep...beep...beep..."we got him back doc"

ahhaah eha hehahehah ehahe ha eheh ho ho ho ho ho ho h eh eh eh eahoaoh eohae oah eoh aoeh aeho e oh dear, no really, this hurts
tosser feckin yap him oddie please
EEEERRRRRR, correct me if I am wrong, but I am not the one doing all the swearing and slagging off here.

For information..a member here offered me something for no cost other than postage. I actually,wrongly assumed that it was the 'done thing' in here.

I do not have to justify myself to anyone when I was offering to help...not slagging and abusing innocent users for no reason.

You will all do well to note that I have sent a complaint to the site owner.

Further...you are actually clearly breaking the law by using such foul language in these forums.

Are you for real, YOU'RE the one trying to make money from pirate discs, no matter how small the amount & YOU'VE got the cheek to moan, whine & complain about everyone else when this is pointed out to you. You just don't get it do you.
I might spend some time overpraising the humble Freelander & poking the odd bit of fun at Defenders & the like, but just at this moment I feel shameful that this is what I'm defending.
tosser feckin yap him oddie please

Oops, missed...oh dear, i seem to have made Heffs even more stuck by accident!

No, really, this has to be a jokey wind up doesn't it? Surely nobody is really that much of a cµnt are they?
He's just a Jism stained hairdressers bum boy. Who's spat his dummy cos the nasty bully boys have shouted at him. All I can say is **** orf ya pus infected sack of rancid bog ****e.

Oh and yer a cuunt..
Ahem. . . .can you gurls play nicely un stop yer shoutin . . . .Mrs Ming is not appy, un mite start her torcherin if you upset er :( :( :(
He's just a Jism stained hairdressers bum boy. Who's spat his dummy cos the nasty bully boys have shouted at him. All I can say is **** orf ya pus infected sack of rancid bog ****e.

Oh and yer a cuunt..
thats a lot better :) :) :)
Ere Ming int yu shamed of having this twart calling himself a gaylander owner??

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