
New Member
Can somebody point me in the right direction for the rave cd download for the freelander please?

I have searched and cant find a freelander one.

Fine by me...somebody obviously expects me to breach copyright law with absolutely nothing in return..not even postage. or the cost of a disc.
Fine by me...somebody obviously expects me to breach copyright law with absolutely nothing in return..not even postage. or the cost of a disc.

so yer happy to breach copyright law if someone pays you the fifty pence it'd cost you to send ?

lets ignore the fact that your probably already in breach by using the copy of RAVE your offering to send

favour - Wiktionary
FFS I wish I could be like Gav tight arse. I'd be about £20 richer, that or half yu coonts wunt have MemoryMap on yer pooters.. can all feeeeeck right off.

I WAS very helpful by nature...until I came here....nobody will be getting a copy of anything.

Thanks to all composers of crap in this thread. Well done...another happy customer with a genuine question gets nowhere.
might be of interest but i got a copy off flebay for a couple of quid, i aint that good on a pc or i would have done a copy and sent it to ya... can all feeeeeck right off.

I WAS very helpful by nature...until I came here....nobody will be getting a copy of anything.

Thanks to all composers of crap in this thread. Well done...another happy customer with a genuine question gets nowhere.

**** off and spit your dummy some where else sad cuunt
Even just the postage sounds expensive for a CD that only has one line on it;

You bought a Gaylander, it's gone wrong, SELL IT, SCRAP IT, JUST GET RID YER FOOL!

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