
New Member
Hello to all.

I've just joined today and feel relieved to have found this site. I'm the recent owner of a 2005 Freelander Freestlye and have a question.

I've driven it on the motorway a couple of times and noticed that above 80mph there a faint, but noticeable pulsating vibration through the front seat which seems to go if you push it to 90mph. I don't do a lot of motorway driving so not a major problem but concerned that something's not quite right, might anyone have any ideas?

I don't make a habit of breaking the speed limit, just when needed to over take!

Thank you


How should I be introducing myself, I'm more than happy to?

Should I not be using the search facility?

Thank you

Could be tyre related , all 4 tyres should be the same size/make/model , check , as mismatched tyres on a freelander one will kill the drive train !
Could be tyre related , all 4 tyres should be the same size/make/model , check , as mismatched tyres on a freelander one will kill the drive train !

Oh and don't broadcast to the world that you drive at over the legal speed limit. ;)
If you do regularly drive at those speeds, a Freelander isnt really the best car for the job.
My input here. As already stated make sure you have all the same 4 tyres and the same pressure.

Could also need wheel balancing
New propshaft bearings
I had a similar problem with my 2006 FL1 not long after buying it last year, at 70mph the steering wheel started to shake. Took it to a tyre place to check the balance on the wheels, which was indeed off, plus the fact that the two front tyres were nine years old. On a 7 year old car! :scratching_chin:
Thank you for the replies, I'm going to get the wheels / tires checked out first. I'll update on my progress.

Many thanks


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