I just changed the bearing in mine. Knock the old bearing out, tap the replacement in. Easy, only cost of £6 and half an hour to do.

Refering back to my thread here

I see you went for a brand name (FAG) bearing but in the standard size instead of the non-standard FAG originally fitted. I look forward to hearing from you how long these bearings last. I was wondering if it is a bearing size thing or a cheap brand of bearings or perhaps both that bring early death to some many bearings on the prop shaft.

Original FAG Bearings 539860.R20.R28
Inside Diameter 30 mm
Outside Diameter 55 mm
width 15.5 mm

"Standard size" 6006.2RSR
Inside Diameter 30 mm
Outside Diameter 55 mm
width 13 mm
Refering back to my thread here

I see you went for a brand name (FAG) bearing but in the standard size instead of the non-standard FAG originally fitted. I look forward to hearing from you how long these bearings last. I was wondering if it is a bearing size thing or a cheap brand of bearings or perhaps both that bring early death to some many bearings on the prop shaft.

Original FAG Bearings 539860.R20.R28
Inside Diameter 30 mm
Outside Diameter 55 mm
width 15.5 mm

"Standard size" 6006.2RSR
Inside Diameter 30 mm
Outside Diameter 55 mm
width 13 mm

The original GKN bearings are slightly wider, as to what the actual life is, is hard to tell. All the bearings I've changed have been noisy because the bearing is rusted, this indicates water ingress not overloading. The 13mm wide bearings I fit are perfectly capable of loadings the VCU/ props apply to them.
I do use Fag bearings for added life, I find the cheapest bearings go rusty after the first rain storm so presumably the rubber seals aren't up to much.
Hi Hippo,
Just wondered if it was possible to put vcu in the wrong way round?
If the vcu has a damper fitted then the damper end goes towards the rear end of yer Freelander. Some like the v6 don't have the damper. To be honest I don't think you'd notice if it were reversed. If you did you'd get some sort of vibration feeling as the damper is at the wrong end so more vibration is passed through, before being dampened/killed. That's if any vibration that may be present is high enough to notice. It's more likely to be a resonance than a vibration. The vcu itself would still work ok and do the same thing as normal.

The easy way to remember is shorter end of the vcu goes on the front.
Hi Guys,

Sorry for bringing an old thread back from the dead but I have a loud knocking suddenly started, got it checked at an exhaust place and the exhaust is fine the undertray was a little loose at the centre back which won’t help but they found the rubber on my rear prop shaft bearing assy has failed which could be the knocking although it sounds like it’s coming from the front.

Has anyone got a link to the best aftermarket bearing assy (I’ve read the GKN propshaft bearings mounts are the best) and worst case what are the OEM ones like?

Need the replacement parts for Friday… also what are the chances the VCU might be bad?

Thanks Paul

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