Talk about fish biting. That wee post brought the window lickers out in force. They seem to have this Freelander = Gay fixation.... every last one of them. And yet.... isn't one of the most famous non-Freelander larger LR owners a certain Mr. George Michael?
I actually haven't ventured into any of the other forums.... so why do they spend so much time hanging 'round the Freelander forum?
Weirdos, the lot of 'em :D:D:D

Talk about fish biting. That wee post brought the window lickers out in force. They seem to have this Freelander = Gay fixation.... every last one of them.
Anyone who uses the word "marvelous" to describe a car is camper than a row of yellow tents!

And yet.... isn't one of the most famous non-Freelander larger LR owners a certain Mr. George Michael?
Only a freelander driver would be concerned with "how famous" other drivers are above everything else...

I actually haven't ventured into any of the other forums....
You're just scared you'll find out the truth about the lemon you've bought.

so why do they spend so much time hanging 'round the Freelander forum?
Q: Why are there so many threads in the Freelander section comparing their cars to other Land Rovers?

A: They like the "attention" it gets them.
Talk about fish biting. That wee post brought the window lickers out in force. They seem to have this Freelander = Gay fixation.... every last one of them. And yet.... isn't one of the most famous non-Freelander larger LR owners a certain Mr. George Michael?
I actually haven't ventured into any of the other forums.... so why do they spend so much time hanging 'round the Freelander forum?
Weirdos, the lot of 'em :D:D:D

your confusing a gay driver and a gay car.
And as to "lr sell more gaylanders than any thing else", well Lakeside sell alot of ugg boots, you want them too?

Oh, you do...
Horses for courses boys, a Defender or a Disco wouldnt do for me, A Range Rover id have tomorrow. Land Rover dont make bad 4x4's. A Freelander or a XTrail? A Disco or a Nissan Murano? A Range Rover or a Land Cruiser? Youd take the Land Rover every time against its rivals.
Wouldnt you?
Anyone who uses the word "marvelous" to describe a car is camper than a row of yellow tents!

Only a freelander driver would be concerned with "how famous" other drivers are above everything else...

You're just scared you'll find out the truth about the lemon you've bought.

I've never used the word "marvelous".

I haven't bought a lemon. I've bought a run around for the snow to save gung ho, ****basket disco and defender drivers doing any damage to my everyday car.

Considering I only posted this for a bit of a giggle there seems to be enough non-Freelander owners taking the bait and getting arsey. This overwhelming torrent of poofy accusations seems to smack a little of protesting too much.

Anyway.... whatever you drive, enjoy it and have fun :D

This helps when defining galander towing stories............****-O-Meter_jpg.jpg&imgrefurl=****-O-Meter_jpg.htm&usg=__qgGQeNO3KvymNswT26LTDP6Wu4E=&h=370&w=500&sz=37&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Xl0lStljOOCblM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=171&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbull%2B****%2Bmeter%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D555%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C40&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=372&ei=juEPTaO3C5yM4gbd9qSTDw&oei=aeEPTdihGIKHhQeo_aW5Dg&esq=10&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0&tx=62&ty=62&biw=1024&bih=555
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This helps when defining galander towing stories............
Is that a fact or somthing you just made up, it's just that i wouldn't have said i se more of them on the road than any other landy?

Or perhaps it cos.................. They is all in the garage being fixed or are scared to come out in the snow
oldcunt, read the sales figures for LR
wtf is thid ferkin ****e ere then bloody arse of a car them bumlanders ought be for moustached men and wimmens only farkin godawfull cocking ****stain of a cum bubble them is glorifierd mgf underneath for fark sake....i mean fookin hels sake.

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wtf is thid ferkin ****e ere then bloody arse of a car them bumlanders ought be for moustached men and wimmens only farkin godawfull cocking ****stain of a cum bubble them is glorifierd mgf underneath for fark sake....i mean fookin hels sake.
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