Freelander or Series What would you do?

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Thanks tb134 my problem is I have too many vehicles already company vehicle series 2a swb and freelander my question was what Land Rover to keep, or change to as cash is tight, Thats why I fielded the question to the Land Rover comunity, as I wish to continue off roading. I feel I'm at work everytime I get in the company vehicle. I'm sure you are a very happy chappie in your smart car I'm sure they are very good...Just not for me...Thanks for your input and points though...:)
Cheers for the sensible reply. Keep the series. They're historic.
You'll always be able to get another Freelander!
TB134 said:
Cheers for the sensible reply. Keep the series. They're historic.
TB134 said:
You'll always be able to get another Freelander!
Well TB134 at least we agree on something then :D

I too have a sensible car as well (Toyota) but if the garage was burning down I know which I would save first.
there you go chaps all made up and happy again see you both in the zone inn theres a pint waitin for you both... good points all round though...and I still aint sure yet...:confused:
right,read the thread and heres what u have to do;

go outside right now,give both their bonnets a big hug,step back and imadgine to urself how u would punish a theiving gypo if he nicked the series and then do the same for the freelander.Now which ever punishment was darker,more sick and twisted and involved him never to be able to reproduce again,then keep that one !
tookey said:
right,read the thread and heres what u have to do;

go outside right now,give both their bonnets a big hug,step back and imadgine to urself how u would punish a theiving gypo if he nicked the series and then do the same for the freelander.Now which ever punishment was darker,more sick and twisted and involved him never to be able to reproduce again,then keep that one !

Hmm the last person who stole a ladder off me phisicly wet himself I came out of it wiv me ladders and a few split knuckles he moved away...

I Ain't doin time for a landy...

There you go I'm not only confused now I'm ANGRY as well...:mad:

I'm goin for a lie down wheres my pills mutter mutter mutter....:confused:

ps some gypsies are very nice we can't tar all wiv the same brush ;)
discomania said:
Can't be bothered reading it all, so did you see the freelander?
Thanks for intrest freelander in local paper, and in for sale section see what happens. new company motor arrives tuesday...need the space mate keepin the series at the mo may upgrade it later if freelander sells...regards cartman690...
right here what you need do..sell them both, sell the house and sell the wife and kids then send the money to me. no parking problem or tax to worry about.

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