Freelander or Series What would you do?

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I've got 3 vehicles 2 parking spaces and a very limited buget. the question is what to keep and what to let go. The series is tax exempt deiesel 1967 road legal needs some work though before she'll get in it! the freelander is a td4 2001 es trouble free at the moment, she thinks it's small (been spoilt wiv a disco for too long). I'm not sure to sell either, or both and buy somthin else, would have to be a land rover though, not keen on rangies, I like discos and defenders though. what would you do?
Sell 'em both, and get a deepender 300tdi, the td4 will give you grief sooner or later, should have got the pre td4 diesel, nice and simple.
Thanks pig pen we both like Defender but the series is tax exempt and cheep insurance thanks for the opinion though. I've a few months to make my mind up...regards cartman690...:)
sell the threegrander, keep the series and buy a disco, that way you have a comfy big un and a series which is where yer heart is ;)
If ya sell the 'lander, you could buy 4 discos, and still have enough for a nice 'fender cos discos aint worth ****e.
says the man wiv an ifor, theres no accounting fer taste;) ey up page one stop feckin gassin ;)
You must be joking, she could talk for Engalnd, my wifes been asleep for 2 hours and Page one aint even noticed.:D
aye, if she put the top coat on that 90 as quick as her jaw moves it would have been done a month ago ;)
It’s easy and obvious :confused:
Sell the wife and keep the Landy’s
Think of the money you would save and the extra car space.

Just a thought


But if I had to keep one it would be the Series and stick two fingers to the Tax man.
:D :D
clivees said:
It’s easy and obvious :confused:
Sell the wife and keep the Landy’s
Think of the money you would save and the extra car space.

Just a thought


But if I had to keep one it would be the Series and stick two fingers to the Tax man.
:D :D
good second point about the tax man cant sell the wife I'd starve...{and she can read so I bett say nowt)er

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