merlinghnd said:
THe Saga Continues....

Apparently everything around the turbo such as actuators etc has been replaced. The garage have spoken to a help desk and they reckon it might be a 2002 engine management software issue. The car is going in next week for diagnostics/ reprogramming etc etc so we will see how this goes. Keep you informed. Very helpful garage and nice to do businesss with.

I just read this post and relised.

The few ive had in for the power fault , ive also read the program history to see how many times they have had there ECU's reflashed and 2 or 3 of them had had this done recentley.

It does seem that theLR dealers are trying to get the easy wayout by just plugging in the T4 test book flashing the ecu and sending the customer on his/her way.

Also on another note dont let them fob you off and tell you that the reflash needs time to settle in because it DONT .
If the car dont run ok when you pick it up after flashing it wont ever.
Ive gotta admit I have the same problem but at higher speeds it happens at about 90mph it just suddenly dies on me then after a mile of the foot flat to the floor it starts to pick up, it never used to be like that tho' at lower speeds it pulls really well. I took it to the dealers and all they wanted to do was check the computer and re-flash it and check it again.... dont the "experts" realise that not every problem can be diagnosed by a bloody computer sometimes just by listening test driving and organaleptically checking the vehicle will be enough to diagnose the fault.. these *technicians* (fitters) not mechanics have been trained by the little britain character! "the computer says no"........................ arrrgh dont get me started!:mad:
Yeah relating back a couple of posts earlier fuel filters are a common problem apparently, but as the landrover tec said, if it is a fuel filter prob it will pick up on the diagnostics

I'm now deeply suspicious of any prob of sudden power loss being due to the sticky of not working valve on the turbo - i'll bet that in a year or 2 they'll change the design on it
Glad to see some of you have had your issues resolved.

At least there is hope for the rest of us still trying to find a resolution.

I don't want to go through a process of changing bits just to see if it will cure the problem scenario especially at the prices main L/R dealers charge.

When I put my car into a garage I expect them to identify the fault and fix it at the least cost possible.

Call me a cynic but if your main L/R dealer can't solve the problem first time around then it is difficult to believe they will solve it if given the vehicle for a second, third, fourth etc time.

Besides if they tell you they replaced a part because it was faulty (and most bits aren't cheap) how would we non mechanics know whether or not we were being told porkies?

Nice to see someone was able to find a main L/R dealer who cured the problem. But I wonder whether the AFM that was replaced previously really needed to be replaced??? And at what cost???

In spite of the current problem I am still a keen fan of Freelanders. Would I buy another? Possibly but only if I could find a dealer who actually knew what customer care was and practised it.

Regards to all. Hope Santa is good to you. And that in 2006 we will all have happily found the cure and be happy bunnies again.
Mine still has the same problem despite changing the two hoses on top of the engine.

While driving there is still a “sucking” noise from the engine area! :(

Having studied my “backup” copy of “Rave” I could find no illustration of the air intake hoses or tubes (anyone else found them?)

So today I thought that I would have a look from underneath as I had the chance to use a ramp.

On inspection I could see the pipe leading to the turbo had another flexible hose as a connector between the turbo and the hard pipe from the intercooler. Ah ha I felt it and sure enough it was very soft (engine had cooled down). :)

So I took a trip of to my nearest LR parts dept (who know me and sold me the previous two new pipes) and asked for said pipe. Result; deadly silence then confused looks, then the question – which pipe are you on about? :eek:

I explained where it fitted but after studying the screen they could not find any reference to the pipe I wanted. Eventually they found a diagram and asked me if that was the pipe? I looked at the screen and could just about remember the shape of the hard pipe and the rubber one was there on the screen.

Then came the bad news I was told that LR have replaced these two items “for some reason” with a combined one piece pipe. Great I asked for one!

Bad news again they don’t stock them, an ordered one would not come for 5 working days and the price - £70 + VAT :eek:

Looking forward to travelling home tonight at 68MPH

Bah humbug LR :cool:
Chris K said:
I had a problem like this with my Freelander loss of power. I had a new airflow meter fitted.Which restored power abit. But when I change my diesel fuel filter I noticed a great improvement!. The diesel fuel filters only cost a few quid, and don't take more than a few mins to fit.There is a hand pump on the in-line side on the fuel line. Just squeeze it a few times to prime the new filter and away you go. it worked for me.

Hi Chris,

I take it you are talking about an Xedi and not a Td4 than ??
I took a look at the Td4 today as my car has 5 years and about 50.000 kms and filter hasn't been changed, so I bought a filter and after having that look today I have to agree with one of the earlier inputs I read about where someone says changing that filter is a pain in the a.., not the "few mins" job you are talking about ???:) :) (also no hand pump at all on Td4, guess one has to leave the contact on for the fuelpump to fill as much as possible the fuelfilter and afterwards continue the filling by cranking the engine with the startermotor, another needed item is in my opinion a mirror to see where the filterhousing is screwed onto the LH inner wheelarch underneath the ECU and fusesboxes).

Hi Chris,

My thinking is confirmed by your other input:
Warning Lights Problem


Hi can anyone advise?
I own a Freelander 2.0 Xedi.

See you
Hello Everyone,

My problem will be going on in 2007. The garage remapped the ECU doing various checks etc etc but to no avail. They reckon I have a duff turbo which was new a couple of months ago. They reckon when you run along at say 50mph everything is fine but when you speed up, things get hotter and the turbo starts to seize and so slow and so loose power. As things cool down everything picks up again for the cycle to start again. Let you know in 2007 how things go.

I must say my independant LR garage are really putting a lot of work into this problem and they are a pleasure to be with. Hope we get to the gbottom of this soon.

Happy Christmas everyone out there.
merlinghnd said:
Hello Everyone,

My problem will be going on in 2007. The garage remapped the ECU doing various checks etc etc but to no avail. They reckon I have a duff turbo which was new a couple of months ago. They reckon when you run along at say 50mph everything is fine but when you speed up, things get hotter and the turbo starts to seize and so slow and so loose power. As things cool down everything picks up again for the cycle to start again. Let you know in 2007 how things go.

I must say my independant LR garage are really putting a lot of work into this problem and they are a pleasure to be with. Hope we get to the gbottom of this soon.

Happy Christmas everyone out there.

lol where do you live , you must be 1 year in front of us lot if you getting it done in 2007 :)

Ps has the garage changed/chqed the simple things like fuel pipes and filters ???
:D Hello, again glad to say my rant is over,, the td4 is self priming so no need to keep power on or hand pump, I changed my filter one of the first things I done loads of black **** come out, changed the afm but for another reason they also repaced the turbo modulator for the variable pressure on the turb and guess what I still have problems with it sticking at 88mph I know its better than the rest of you guys but I feel eventually its gonna fail, espacially when I know it can do more when I first brought it I ran out of revs on the m27 and was well impressed! thought it could do with a 6 gear!
all I need to do is install the time differential modulator and Im away back to 1985 and patent a really boring operating system called "windows":D
I could always fit it with helium balloons! o u mean the windows thing:) :) :) well... I bet mr gates has a range rover, the git, love the freelander to bits but what i REALLY want is a nice and shiney dark mettalic green rangie with cream leather with all the toys... but I just need £70,000 ! and the mrs wo:cool: nt let me re-mortgage!
Labiarat said:
i REALLY want is a nice and shiney dark mettalic green rangie with cream leather with all the toys... but I just need £70,000 ! and the mrs wo:cool: nt let me re-mortgage!

hummm what is the point in having a shiny range rover when the only reason to have a 4x4 is to let me see ...use it off road!!

it has to be a stripped out one, with one or two bucket seats roll cage and mud splattered up the side, unless you are a mum who has to struggle up them really difficult curbs outside schools!
if you had that sort of money you could buy too one dirty one and one shiney one.... do off roading in style,
rolled an astra bonnet to boot so know all about the three point belt holding you in the seat! oh and I rolled it three times that way aswell, quite spectacular, tho' it hurt quite a lot
bellautos said:
Ive not read every post in this thread from start to finish BUT.

I have had quite a few freelanders in latley with very simlar problems, wont rev past 4000rpm / lack of power etc etc

Belive it or not every one was down to the fuel filter on the inner wing.
( That most garages carnt be botherd to change because they are a pain to do )

The fuel filters had calapsed inside causing a lack of fuel to the injector rail.

Ps pugging the freelanders in to my diagnostic tools before the filter change, DID tell me that it was fuel pressure problem BUT it was NOT any of the pumps.

Hope this info may help others

Hi all,

Today I did a job which was, seen afterwards unnecessary. I did namely change my fuelfilter (yes, the one on the inner wing, the one referred to as a pain in the a.. to replace:D , and believe it or not, it is.) but when I checked the old one it was not dirty at all and the fuel which came out was also as clear as crystal but as my car has 5 years and around 50.000 kms I thought it was time to replace it (LR says 100k or 60 months), did have some 'panic moments' though. When replaced I put on the contact and I heard the fuelpumps fill up the new filter, when that stopped I thought all was going to be ok so I stepped in the car and started and nothing but the starter going, the engine would not run. (Somewhere else I read that Td4 does prime itself, so I thought by trying to start it would help things but no.) After a couple of attempts still no go, so I began to panic slightly and started to put things I used aside, ready to call the garage, I was busy some 5-10 mins I guess and than I tried again and believe it or not but after a couple of halfstarts the engine ran ok again. I now hope the cannister where the filter and the front fuelpump are located in is fixed correctly against the innerwing as it's very hard to handle this, I have the impression it is not straight vertical now so it might be it only holds up to the upperclip and the one screw in it, don't know for sure, will check it out in a couple of days/weeks.
Anyway, did a trip of about 20 kms tonight but couldn't feel any difference (but than again, mine does not have that 70 mph problem).
Willo. . . Yes mate it is a pain in the a*** and yes it is self priming on the td4 ,but it is normal not to start for a bit , but be carefull as there are 2 screws holding that silly plastic bit. . .one of them has an earth cable on the back[you have to feel for it], however this earth helps with the pre heater so just make sure it is back in its position. . . Ming :cool:

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