
New Member
Hi All, A bit of help needed.Jjust swapping my very tired IRD but need to swap the coolers as the pipes are damaged on the replacement, before I damage it can any one advise how to remove and re-fit the cooler. Thanks
Removal is destructive I believe. So you would need to fit a new one not just swap them.
You can buy them on ebay cheap. Sounds like its not a recon unit, so while you're at it I'd buy one of the packs that contains all the bearings for the IRD as well - cos you're likely to need them!
I know it's 18months after the last post to this thrread, but I'm doing the same job..
is it simply a case of prising the old unit out and pushing the new unit back in? - I have the new bearing kit too.
do i need to lube the rubber seal on the new IRD Cooler then push in like a paint can lid???

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