But having said that - the key on my 2000 td4 has a chip in it and it does have a reader coil around the ignition key assembly and it starts without the remote locking whatsithingy.

If you don't think there is a chip in the key get your spare, smash it apart with hammer, admit there was a chip there, ring main dealer, order new key. (with a chip in it.....)
lmao, nice thread,,

just to put my 10p worth in lol. regarding pre 2000 model just try starting the engine with out the fob next to the barrel (take it off the key) once its mobilised u will see it wont start,

and yes 2000 model year on u dont need the fob, key only is req
But having said that - the key on my 2000 td4 has a chip in it and it does have a reader coil around the ignition key assembly and it starts without the remote locking whatsithingy.

If you don't think there is a chip in the key get your spare, smash it apart with hammer, admit there was a chip there, ring main dealer, order new key. (with a chip in it.....)

Originally Posted by LR GUY
lmao, nice thread,,

just to put my 10p worth in lol. regarding pre 2000 model just try starting the engine with out the fob next to the barrel (take it off the key) once its mobilised u will see it wont start,

and yes 2000 model year on u dont need the fob, key only is req

Yer both liers. ask markw!!!;) :behindsofa:
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the info.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I had to get some popcorn and a Coke!!Ha Ha.
I will try all the simple stuff first as Optimus and Ratty suggested and see how it goes. I am getting the beeping noise now when I open the door and apparently this indicates that the battery is low in the key fob. I spoke to a Landy specialist today and he reckons change the batteries first. The sensor ring around the ignition switch can cause problems and this can be deactivated by plugging in a computer and and disabling the sensor. He has done this a few times but mostly on the Range Rovers.
I will try Brookwells for a switch just in case and let you know how I get on.
Thanks alot,
Hi MarkW,
After replacing the key fob batteries to cure the beeping noise which indicates that the batteries are low, I called Brookwells and got an ignition switch and it cured the problem!! The Freelander has been working fine for nearly a week.
Thanks for your help,
Hi Boys,
I did as you guys advised and changed the key fob batteries to cure the beeping problem as Optimus and Ratty suggested. MarkW mentioned the ignition switch as being the cause of this problem on his wifes Freelander, so I changed mine and it cured it!
If when you get into the car and the red light goes out when you put the key in, it cant be an immobiliser problem, if it stays on then it is. Mine went out, so I replaced the ignition switch and all is well.
I broke the old switch apart and found that two of the internal contacts were pitted, one badly and also it had evidence of arcing and was quite black.
Thanks guys,
hi dosair,

we thought imobeliser too.......

as for the chip bit in key fobs load of b*ll*cks, thats what the buttons are for door locks imobiliser on door open imobiliers off.

if the car has been left standing unlocked just press the unlock button to turn off the imobiliser.

cheers mark

It's a pity you chose to berate the other guys knowledge whilst trying to help Dossy. With your advice regarding the ignition switch & Rattys post about how to check the immobiliser operation along with Optis valuable input the solution would have been reached far more pleasantly.
Be a real man, apologise & let's all move on. Or be a coward, go away in a huff & don't come back.
not to state the obvious but maybe the fob battery is low? when you open vehicle do you get a beeping noise from instrument pack?

Sorry for digging this thread, but I have been left stranded a few times due to the immobiliser not unlocking and everytime i unlock the doors with the remote, i open the door and there's always a beeping sound from the instrument pack. What is it?

ps: what's a fob?

beeping sound means the batteries need replacing in the fob. This is the remote control to lock and unlock the doors. It has two buttons, one for unlocking and one for locking.

All the information is contained IN THIS THREAD WHICH YOU HAVE JUST TAGGED ON AND NOT BOTHERED TO READ. (posts 3 and 4)

Got all excited when I see this resurface, I though MarkW had come back to apologise ! Mind you, he's not been heard from since Oct 2011, perhaps he's still trying to get up the courage.
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beeping sound means the batteries need replacing in the fob. This is the remote control to lock and unlock the doors. It has two buttons, one for unlocking and one for locking.

All the information is contained IN THIS THREAD WHICH YOU HAVE JUST TAGGED ON AND NOT BOTHERED TO READ. (posts 3 and 4)

Got all excited when I see this resurface, I though MarkW had come back to apologise ! Mind you, he's not been heard from since Oct 2011, perhaps he's still trying to get up the courage.

I'm sorry. I did read the thread but when I read the 3rd post i thought the 2nd question (beep related) was not related to the remote.
i fixed my wifes 1800cc petrol car we were in a rush to go and catch the ferry to ireland and nothing did not want to get dirty so took it to a car electricians all he did was to put a wire on the starter and if it happened again touch it on the battery positive it worked but while in Ireland I got my multi meter out and tracked the fault like markw says ignition switch i gently took it apart and could see the fault one of the contacts coroded so a bit of bowored sandpaper later and all was well and touch wood is still going that was 8 years ago and it is still good but I have also my own landy now a td4 auto
How do you remove the ignition switch to check it as I am having similar problems with starting? Any diagrams would be helpful also.
Don't know how old this thread is but hoping someone can help. Our freelander TD4 won't start, you turn the key. Nothing. Not even a clicking noise. Fob works fine to open/close doors and dash lights come on. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Anne
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Hi Anne,

Can I suggest you edit your post - remove your e-mail address - and ask for folks to send you a PM instead.

The world and the internet is full of strange people. You'll get loads of spam at best and as for the worst.....

Found it again and removed my email, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Your fine to post here . Many thanks. Anne
Found it again and removed my email, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Your fine to post here . Many thanks. Anne

Give the fly lead (small wire) on the starter motor a wiggle with your fingers and then try starting it.
I wondered what all the bleeping was about when I opened up the car. Now I know :) Fob battery replaced and the bleeping has stopped.

Live and learn eh?
ratty you are a star! My freelander 1.8 had been giving me gyp for ages. Starting one day then not the next. I gave the starter motor cable a wiggle and it turns out it needed a push back in. Problem solved for now. Hopefully!

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