
New Member
Hi Folks,
Have just bought a TD4 a week ago- its going well, but I was wondering 'How to' engage the hill descent control ? I have thick snow where I live and a steep track- Does it have to be in 1st, before the switch on the gear stick is engaged ? How can you tell if its working at all ? ( probably is'nt judging from some of the comments I've read ! )---- I have no handbook/ no Haynes/ no jack and no tool kit - as yet- am looking on Ebay !!
Also, driving it steadily, what sort of mpg do you reckon it should do ?
Look forward to having some help- Jax.

( Its a diesel) !
You can select it at any time (even when doing 70mph on the Motorway) but it will only work if you are 1st or reverse gear. If everything is working correctly if you are not in the correct gear the green warning light will come on but flash, once in the correct gear it should light continuously.
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The hdc switch may have failed, or the wire come off it.

Owners manuals here: TOPIx - TOPIx

or here: TOPIx - TOPIx and select owner on the rhs.

Also available in the rave disk, which tells you how to fix your Freelander.
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Thanks both of you for the advice...
Any ideas on fuel consumption ? I have been told by someone that used to own the same model, that he got around 40 to the gallon--- but the bloke at the garage I bought it from ( Nr. Ellesmere)- reckoned on 30.....
Any comments ?
Mines an auto and I get 30 -35mpg depending on road conditons. Last years snow dropped it to 25mpg!!!


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Hello iv just bought a 2001 TD4 also, when i pull the yellow trigger nothing happens at all no lights no nothing.... any idea why? when the ign is turned on and all the lights light up on the dash for a second there is a green hill discent light and a amber one with a ! bissed it,but they both go out when it starts.then nothing at all when the trigger is pulled,also the trigger seems to just spring in and out without a click. Please hell snow cameing.....
look at switch and wire breaks off often-easy repair if it is
pass never owned a freelander -but wire snapping off switch a common fault that stops it working
the yellow trigger is to turn it off ,to turn it in slide the black collar downwards,it only works in 1st and reverse,it actually does the job
Thanks mate, yes it was sliding down bit of the yellow trigger that had could me out:mad: and now i know its all up and working:D. Thanks for you input.:) Merry chrimbo. and have fun in the snow...

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