Thats great Matty.. I cant wait for our FL to look like that, only a couple of bits to get & I can crack on with it.
Oh the top rear lights, do I have to change them? are they different because they look the same on both the early & 04 on spec?
Thanks Ian.
Ian Mate you made me think then The top rear lights are different to mate when the new rear bumper is fitted the lights you have now will leave a big gap the 04 rear lights are abit Longer on the reflector to fill the gap i purchased mine from the bay £20.00 any further advice please mail or if you need my mobile number m8 mail me im free all weekend for advice Matty
Many thanks..
I have seen some later spec rear lights on ebay so just waiting for some of my ole tat to sell on there what finishes in a couple of days & I will grab em.

Just read Stuarts thread & I recon the only prob Im gonna have is wiring up the lights. Or how Im goin to go about it :confused:
Its very easy make sure you get the wiring plugs tho I can however get plugs if you requre :rolly:
Finished mine today :)
It took about 2 weeks because I could only spend a hour or so on it here & there after work or at weekends. Quite easy to do rearly & if I can do it anyone can, I'm pleased with the results.
I have put some piccys on here:

Flickr: ian.redfern's Photostream
Oh I thought it would be worth spending out on a old plate so no one will be able to tell how old it is. It is a 99 'V' Model.
Ian...I have an 03 1.8 petrol and I quite fancy the idea of the facelift front.

Could you give me an idea of overall cost for the parts and what I need. Thanks in advance
Hi Gav
All in all it cost just under £650 & that included spraying bumpers. As yours is an 03 you will not have to pay out for black arches so you can take £100 of that figure.

Mad hat.. I had that all done last yr mate, thats the reason I have done the facelift & we are keeping the car for a while. The Mrs wanted to get a newer one but as I spent nearly a bag of sand on the thing I didnt want to risk getting a newer one & then having to spend out it all again on VCU etc :)
Hi Gav
All in all it cost just under £650 & that included spraying bumpers. As yours is an 03 you will not have to pay out for black arches so you can take £100 of that figure.

Mad hat.. I had that all done last yr mate, thats the reason I have done the facelift & we are keeping the car for a while. The Mrs wanted to get a newer one but as I spent nearly a bag of sand on the thing I didnt want to risk getting a newer one & then having to spend out it all again on VCU etc :)

Mine has all been done too...the facelift would just finsh it off nicely.
Can anyone help me with a wiring diagram for the new headlights ? thats the only bit that is putting me off doing the conversion.
Can anyone help me with a wiring diagram for the new headlights ? thats the only bit that is putting me off doing the conversion.

I snipped the wires out of the old lamps (writing down what went where), plugged them in & used a test lamp to get the correct lights working then connected the wires to the new lamps. The headlamp adjuster is easy (2 wires) & indicators are easy (2 wires)
Hi, i've just completed this upgrade today on my 98 freelander. I have got two headlamp wiring connectors from a rover 75 which fit great however - I have worked out which wires do what from the car and partially stripped the new headlamps so I can connect the wires from the headlamps to the old wiring from the car, I can't get sidelights to work and when main beam is on the indicaters glow!!! Anyone done this conversion who can tell me which colour fits to where I'd be very grateful!
HI Procare,

Did you ever manage to sort out the wiring issue following your facelift conversion. I'm attempting the same and am experiencing the same problem re indicators illuminating when main beam is on. Any advise would be appreciated - thanks Chris

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