I wouldnt listen to your dealer, thats not a classic symptom of hgf. New engine is only a worst case scenario. A start would be the inlet gasket and inlet manifold, if she aint running right.
Are you losing coolant? mayo is not always present, any overheating
Northern - I take on board all your advice and will ask them to do the checks you suggest on the inlet gasket and manifold. It's not losing coolant and not overheating, it's just not running lolololololol.

Treworgey 90 - am in Truro.
had mine done as a precaution, 25k and 2 1/2 years ago. had the head skimmed,new type thermostat housing and head gasket and it's been fine ever since even though most of those miles have been done by the other half who drives cars like she has just stolen them.:(

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