
New Member
Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or commons on this....

The snow has been quite bad around where i live. The other day i was out freelander seeing how it performed in the snow, it seemed to do very well up slippy snow covered hills, but down hill i didn't seem to do quite as great. I went to decend a steep hill with very little grip, i had the HDC active, but as soon as the HDC did its job it seemed to cause the car to slide, i tried it again without the HDC and seemed to get down the hill in a straighter line (with out ending up sideways, lol) just wondered if any one has any views on this, i considered maybe the HDC is not designed for snow with it relying on the brake~? or maybe it was just my driving the first time round.
Basically my question is should i be using HDC in the snow down steep hills?

Any advice or comments would be great.

Thanks , chris.
HDC applies the brakes to keep the gaylander below 5mph.
That's what you don't want on ice!
Better to engage 1st and descend with feet off the pedals.

Even better, get a Defender with propper tyres.
Bring the vehicle to a halt at the top of the hill, then gently pull away the the HDC engaged and it should be fine. If you are going too fast, using HDC to slow you down can be entertaining.
HDC Is not designed fer snow as the Trew sis , it enforces brakes if you loose grip and limits speed, its mainly for orft roading but not snow :)
I suspect you engaged HDC at speed - which will no doubt send you sideways. As stated by other people here, completely stop before using it.

That said, I prefer to use the steptronic / manual transmission in our TD4 auto in the snow to simply use the engine to slow the car down. Didn't have any issues maintaining control.
Have to disagree. My recent experience of the HDC in snow has been very favourable. The HDC doesn't know whether it's on snow or mud. Having slid downhill with all four wheels locked, the ABS presumably thinking the vehicle had stopped, I can say that HDC gave a much more controlled descent.

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