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My girlfriends 2003 1.8 Freelander Kalihari is drinking water like a fish!

Every 2 or 3 weeks I need to top the water tank up as it close to empty. Can anyone suggest a sealant for this problem?
You shoud urgently get it to a garage that is familiar with freelanders, that is able to pressure test the cooling system, add dye and check for leaks using uv light. That will show up where the leak(s) are coming from, including head gasket failure.

K seal works very well, but fix the problem first, don't just treat the symptoms.
lol fair enough. Don't know much about cars to be honest.

Missus is just off the phone saying the car is losing power as she's driving, I told her to check the water and she said it's empty. I think out beloved Freelander is dying. :(
Do not continue to drive unless you own 1000's of shares in Shell.

Your head gasket has probably gone and if it gets hot you will be in a world of **** a garage.
That'l be stop engine now message coming through, to minimise even bigger pain in the wallet.
Chances are the HG has gone - is there any sign of mayo in the oil? but it might just be a lose or split hose, leaking radiator, faulty coolant tank cap or leaking thermostat housing - loads of stuff to check before condemning the engine but with power loss as well it doesn't sound good.

Good luck
Yeah the oil was a mess. Looked liked a milkshake.

The breakdown recovery guy pretty much gave me the full diagnosis. He said the head gasket had gone and that it was common with "Rovers". It was going to happen sooner or later and there was nothing we could have done to prevent it.

He said we need to get the manifold checked to make sure it is not damaged. If it's damaged then the engine is stuffed and it's a new engine or the scrap heap. If it's not damaged then a new head gasket will be required.

He guestimated around £150 for the parts alone for a new head gasket and a lot of time and £££ on labour therefore a lot of money to get it fixed. Pretty gutted as the best option would seem like the lesser of the two evils financially but we're still going to be hit hard in the pocket.. :(
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Can't believe I spelt guzzling....gussling. Wtf is gussling anyway. haha, must have been my anxiousness taking over my spelling in that first post. :rolleyes:
Sorry if not aloud, or out of place. But owning a MG TF as well as the laddy, been there and done that. get in touch with Jon Norris if you want someone to take a look, a mobile mechanic, and excellent at what he does, and a third what a garage might charge..He deals with mg's but a laddy isn't diferent, in fact easier, engine being in front and all. I have used him.See below for his details.

Rough Luck Racing :: Mobile Repair Service
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Yeah the oil was a mess. Looked liked a milkshake.

The breakdown recovery guy pretty much gave me the full diagnosis. He said the head gasket had gone and that it was common with "Rovers". It was going to happen sooner or later and there was nothing we could have done to prevent it.

He said we need to get the manifold checked to make sure it is not damaged. If it's damaged then the engine is stuffed and it's a new engine or the scrap heap. If it's not damaged then a new head gasket will be required.

He guestimated around £150 for the parts alone for a new head gasket and a lot of time and £££ on labour therefore a lot of money to get it fixed. Pretty gutted as the best option would seem like the lesser of the two evils financially but we're still going to be hit hard in the pocket.. :(

Definitely sounds like HGF then :( if you are up to replacing it yourself its quite straightforward to do
Thanks freeladdy but I'm up in Ayrshire. Jon Norris only works a 30 mile radius from the LE postcode. I'll just have to try a local mechanic.

Mantamad honestly I know nothing about cars. It's not a job I could take on myself, it'll not be as easy as the 3 Amigo's I had stickied.. I'm going to have to get a mechanic to do it and hopefully I don't get ripped off.
Thanks freeladdy but I'm up in Ayrshire. Jon Norris only works a 30 mile radius from the LE postcode. I'll just have to try a local mechanic.

Jon will travel anywhere, just after 30 miles he'd want petrol money.He travelled to Co Durham were I live, he knows his stuff. Give him a buzz to get a quote and then get quote from your local garages.You might be pleasantly suprised. Best of luck with whatever you do.

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