how about putting rangie seats in it S71?
it's not so much the ride as the heavy steering that kills my back....doing a 3 point turn almost puts me in casualty ! I was an tramadol for 3 days after I drove it last time :eek:
Might consider a 90 or 110 with power steering and a tdi engine
so, according to that rational, what is the manliest Landie then?

my money is on a series 2

Only if your definition of manly includes compacted spine from the harsh ride, deformed 'popeye' fore-arms from 27 point turns trying to get into a parking space, a nervous twitch brought on by the fear of having to do an emergency stop with 2 tons of Solihulls finest ON DRUM BRAKES, a perminant squint from peering through a windscreen so old it barely lets light through and you have to stick yer head out the window to see if tis foggy, a pathilogical hatred of anything that makes you slow down at the BOTTOM of a hill when every fooker can see you int got a hope if you don't get a decent run-up..........and a distressing inability to control your bladder........not sure what causes that.......perhaps I'd better not mention that bit

Got a 110 hard top 3 door at work, security use it on the odd occasion. I drove it 5 miles through some twisty roads............. wanted to drive it into the nearest field and burn it, the God awful piece of kit. Fit for purpose if you want to rescue someone in some desolate, remote, roadless place. Not for road work. Ever.

Proper Defender!!
Only if your definition of manly includes compacted spine from the harsh ride, deformed 'popeye' fore-arms from 27 point turns trying to get into a parking space, a nervous twitch brought on by the fear of having to do an emergency stop with 2 tons of Solihulls finest ON DRUM BRAKES, a perminant squint from peering through a windscreen so old it barely lets light through and you have to stick yer head out the window to see if tis foggy, a pathilogical hatred of anything that makes you slow down at the BOTTOM of a hill when every fooker can see you int got a hope if you don't get a decent run-up..........and a distressing inability to control your bladder........not sure what causes that.......perhaps I'd better not mention that bit


ahh you can't put me off getting one though.

the bladder thing i can understand. everytime i'm in me mates 90 all i do is get out and pee all the time. can be quite embarressing when driving through town :eek:

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