The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Pull the fuse from position 5 for a few seconds, that resets the FBH in case it's had a flame out, after 3 lighting attempts it locks out and pulling the fuse resets it.
Hi Mad Hat Man,

My FBH hasn't worked since I bought the car, but my fuse 5 is for the starter motor???

Is it the set of fuses inside the glove box under the steering wheel you are talking about? I think I've found 3 fuses so far that say they are fuse 5.
Glovebox Fuse 5 (Starter Motor)
Engine Compartment Fuse box, Fuse 5 (Engine Management, Transmittion cooling fan)
Suplementry Fuse box, Only has 4 fuses.
OK, think I'm getting somewhere, is it the 20amp Fuse in the engine compartment fuse box? When you say remove it for a few seconds, is this with the enging running or not???

Thanks, sorry for being such a pain.

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