I'll keep you all posted, I tried my mechanic and was surprised to find him working, I told him all that has happened and he said he'll come out this afternoon with all his gadgets and see what he can find, he is a good mechanic, worked for Ferrari, Mercedes and Audi..but I'm betting "freelander" stumps him..I've left it unlocked but nobody want's to nick it, if they did I expect the insurance wont pay out! bummer.
Here we go, got her back from the mechanic last night...my new battery had a faulty cell and wouldn't charge above 11.5 volts and the culprit...starter motor...the solenoid was intermittent but not the real trouble which turned out to be the armature shorting out next to the brush holders!...all's well again.
I have however taken on board your excellent advice and bought a new ignition switch just in case!!.
Thank you all for your valued help.

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