Spacemonkey... - Nice to hear that! I´ve been the one with the trip to Iceland. I´ll release a Video about my journey next week!

To all the guys who don´t like Facebook. You can visit our Facebook Page without being a Facebook user - no registration is needed!

Regards, Max
you must be posh with dividividives!

we used ti have ri sit rarnd a breeze block sized 'remote -wire guided) vifoe and a tell with that made more noise than Drsx power station... :)

Heck I watched him on TV when it first came out! I even remember some fresh faced chubby chappy called Ray doing a 5 minute slot on some outdoor show called Country Tracks...

Woods, thanks for that! Yep I would love to do an Iceland trip like that one day. Nice to know the Freelander can do it.. although seeing a 4Motion VW T5 van do it, I'd rather one of those. ;)
Hello guys - since there´s a discussion about this topic ongoing right now I´d like to ask you.

Should we post Freelander II related stuff to the page? Im not sure. Freelander 2 are completely different than the first gen and have technically nothing in common with the first gen.

So why the heck would a Freelander 2 Driver like to see a discussion about lifting a Freelander 1?

Please give me some input!

Regards, Max
can you please keep your FL2 posts out of the Freelander section :p

note to mods......please create a section for these Freelander 2 thingies
Hello guys - since there´s a discussion about this topic ongoing right now I´d like to ask you.

Should we post Freelander II related stuff to the page? Im not sure. Freelander 2 are completely different than the first gen and have technically nothing in common with the first gen.

So why the heck would a Freelander 2 Driver like to see a discussion about lifting a Freelander 1?

Please give me some input!

Regards, Max

Maybe because I've owned both and I might be able to make a positive contribution.
Freelaner - Since im not a native english speaking guy I dont see if your ironic or if youre honest.

To be honest by myself I´d support a external FL2 section. On the Facebookpage and here on the forums.

Duncan, 99% of the people own only one Freelander. It´s really sad to hear you talking so angry about the discussion.
Freelaner - Since im not a native english speaking guy I dont see if your ironic or if youre honest.

To be honest by myself I´d support a external FL2 section. On the Facebookpage and here on the forums.

Duncan, 99% of the people own only one Freelander. It´s really sad to hear you talking so angry about the discussion.

it's not's sarcasm ;)

how many of the, mainly by a large amount, Freelander 1 owners want to read about Freelander 2?

your "arguament" doesn't make sense.

i do, however, support a separate section so i don't have to trawl through posts about a car that bears no resemblance to mine :)
Freelaner - Since im not a native english speaking guy I dont see if your ironic or if youre honest.

To be honest by myself I´d support a external FL2 section. On the Facebookpage and here on the forums.

Duncan, 99% of the people own only one Freelander. It´s really sad to hear you talking so angry about the discussion.


I've left the page now so you don't need to worry about it.
The way I see it, people can have an interest in more than 1 Freelander. Whats different? The drivetrain is different, and its a heck of a lot more refined, but then so is the new Range Rover compared to the older ones, but I don't see people with older ones complaining that the world has moved on to better things when it shouldn't be allowed to progress! The FL2 is a lovely car, i've had 2 SD4's as courtesy car for a few days, a TD4 as a courtesy car, and driven my dads FL2 half the length of the country and didn't end up with a numb leg like I do in my FL1. The FL1 is good, but flawed, the FL2 is an evolution, an improvement, a "look the world has moved on, and so have we, so now you can have this", doesn't mean I have to choose between progress and staying in the 90's, people are allowed an appreciation of all things, but being told you're not allowed to appreciate an evolution of something, on a page which says its dedicated to "all Freelander owners worldwide" is a bit hypocritical, and I can see why Dunc and Jamie are so royally ****ed by the whole thing!

Tratters are the exception here, you've seen how them lot react to even the mention of progress! :rolleyes:
When you´re supporting a seperate section on the forums, why don´t you support a seperate Facebook page then? It´s about the same problem!

I really think that the no resemblance "argument" is a good one!
When you´re supporting a seperate section on the forums, why don´t you support a seperate Facebook page then? It´s about the same problem!

I really think that the no resemblance "argument" is a good one!

Just because something doesn't look like the previous iteration doesn't mean it can't be the next evolution of it.

The new M3 looks nowt like an E30, but its still a bloody M3 and is still revered for it!
When you´re supporting a seperate section on the forums, why don´t you support a seperate Facebook page then? It´s about the same problem!

I really think that the no resemblance "argument" is a good one!

who said i didn't, when did i say that i don't support a separate fb page?

i was just responding to whinging on this Freelander section ;)

personally i couldn't give a hoot and don't think it's an issue, but you clearly do.

it's not about being elitist, it's about preserving the breed man :)
That´s right SES88. But I really liked the idea of having 100% FL1 guys in one place. Duncan - Im really not getting why you´re hating on me. I´ve not deleted a single FL2 picture or anything ever. I just started a discussion about the Pro and Cons.
That´s right SES88. But I really liked the idea of having 100% FL1 guys in one place. Duncan - Im really not getting why you´re hating on me. I´ve not deleted a single FL2 picture or anything ever. I just started a discussion about the Pro and Cons.

I don't see why FL2 guys should be so discriminated against, especially those who used to own a FL1 and have moved on to a FL2, the page needs to move with the times and accommodate all Freelander owners, otherwise as the FL1's become less and less in number and the current owners move on to other things, the page will soon die a death and it'll all be for nowt
That´s right SES88. But I really liked the idea of having 100% FL1 guys in one place. Duncan - Im really not getting why you´re hating on me. I´ve not deleted a single FL2 picture or anything ever. I just started a discussion about the Pro and Cons.


I'm not hating on you. You said you didn't want FL2 pics posting so I left the page. I own an FL2, I can't post pictures of an FL1 any more because I don't own 1. It's nothing personal.

If you only wanted Freelander 1 pics and info......then why not call it "Land Rover Freelander 1" then none of this would be happening......but calling it "Land Rover Freelander" and not saying it's a Freelander 1 only page, makes it a page for all Freelanders.
And some admin, taking upon themselves to delete another admins photos is pathetic....
Hello guys - Ive got some news.
I asked the people about "the problem" and 3 guys replied within some minutes: Split the pages and handle them seperatlely. I really think we should give it a try.
I just created a Freelander 2 page, nearly the same as Freelander 1 page so that people see the 2 sites belong together.

I would be very, very happy to give this site to the real FL2 guys since Im a FL1 guy. Duncan, would you please continue with your good Freelander work on the new page? Id really appreciate it!

Regards, Max

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